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dan looks over at phil, tilting his head a little to the side to get a better view of him. phil is going through different shirts at his favorite shop, that meaning dan can't touch, kiss nor show his love towards phil.

"do you like this one?"

phil shows him a black sweater with a lion on the pocket that is located on the chest area, it looking a little too dan-ish for phil. dan furrows his brows together, then he remembers that phil can't wear t-shirts without wearing a jacket in the public anymore.

"for you?"

"mhm, don't you like it?"

dan smiles genuinely, looking at the sweater again. phil looks really good in black, but dan doesn't want him to change his style. phil's style is so rare and adorable, it showing off his personality perfectly.

"i like it, but try to find something with colours, too. you look amazing with your colourful clothing, you know?"

phil blushes and nods, continuing to look through all the sweaters and t-shirts that is. phil can feel dan staring, somehow making phil a little uncomfortable. it's not that dan is intimidating, but it makes the no kissing rule a lot harder to follow.

as phil is about to pay, two fans of them comes over. they are really excited to see them together, and they really want to take a picture with the both of them. phil looks over at dan, dan nodding with a smile and takes the clothes phil has in his hands.

after 10 minutes they have taken a picture with them, had a conversation about cactuses, let them know how much they appreciate the support they get from all their subscribers and payed for the clothes.

"should we get some lunch, now?"

phil nods with a smile, seeing dan's eyes flicker down to his lips. phil sighs and rolls his eyes, only earning a scoff from dan. the both of them start walking towards the restaurant they had agreed to go to, Sweetings. they get a table and order, sitting there in the comfortable silence of theirs.

dan is staring at phil, seeing him walking through his twitter feed. phil's eyes flicker between dan and his phone, feeling his patience lowering faster than ever. phil's gaze ends up on dan, and he leans back in his chair.

"you are staring more than usual."

"is it bothering you?"

"maybe, maybe not."

dan is about to reply when their food is placed on the table, and the waitress says that she hopes they like the food. the both of them got scampi and chips, something they never have gotten.

the rest of the lunch in a nutshell is silence and intense staring, both of them in want to kiss the other. but, they both agreed to keep it as a secret. however, they both regrets deciding that.

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