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your lie in april is playing on the screen, and the both of them are letting the tears fall. they have never watched such a strong anime before, and he has never cried this much whilst watching an anime before. this is an anime that makes you think about everything around you.

dan starts thinking about how lucky he is that phil agreed to use the last days before he leaves to building up their relationship, and how much he actually loves him. he has never been so in love with a human being, and he can actually see phil being his person.

phil starts thinking about how sad he'll become when dan leaves, and how much he'll miss him. how will he survive without him, and will he return to the deep hole of sadness? he's so nervous for what will happen.

"it's starting to get late, phil, i have to get home."

"mm, stay a little longer."

dan sighs and kisses his forehead, sitting up in the bed. dan has a lot of stuff to plan with chris, and there's a lot of things to do before they are going. dan doesn't want to go, he would rather  stay in bed with phil, but he can't.

"i will miss you so much when you leave, dan. i-i want to spend as much time with you as possible."

"i want that too, phil, but i can't stay over. i'm so sorry."

phil sighs and gets up with dan, watching him picking up his stuff and putting it in his bag. phil is only wearing dan's sweater and a pair of boxer, and phil breaths in the amazing scent of dan. dan drapes his bag over his shoulder and looks around, checking that he has everything.

"i think i got everything, now."

phil sighs sadly and walks up to him, giving him a sweet kiss. dan kisses phil's forehead before saying goodbye, and dan disappears down the stairs to his apartment. phil closes the door with a sigh, feeling the knot in his stomach growing.

phil walks over to his room and collapse in his bed, and then, cries. this can't end good, and phil already knows that. oh, how unlucky can he get? when dan is leaving him he will be alone, he won't have anyone. he needs someone, and all he asks for is a sign. he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know how to survive without dan.

he needs someone there when dan is gone, or he's a lost boy.

oh isn't this all nice and fluffy? well, y'all should know by now that fluff 24/7 isn't really my thing sooo??
buh-bye for now

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