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sideways gary
so we both are going
to be in joe's next vid

sideways gary
i think it was the
whisper challenge?

sideways gary
but yea to the point

sideways gary
can we please act
professional ??

oh eh i don't think
i'm going to join

sideways gary
what why not?


why should i?

why are you suddenly
so curious about what's
happening with me?

sideways gary
i have always cared, you
just seemed like you did
not want to talk to me

sideway gary
but please, join?

why would i?

sideways gary
we can meet again

you didn't even want
to collab with me a
few days ago and now
you want to meet again?

sideways gary
i'm sorry ok

sideways gary
i feel so bad for just
throwing you away
after you apologized

sideways gary
just join pls

sideways gary
i want to meet again, bc
i don't remember a lot
about you from the party

sideways gary
and i want to be your

sideways gary
we can go to starbucks

sideways gary
pls dan answer me

sideways gary
i expect to see u there

sideways gary
and i can't wait to become
your friend again

you can't fix everything,
phil, at least not me

sideways gary
it's not about fixing, this is
something for both me and


v v v v v excited to see how
this will escalate tbh
like srsly i have no plan, i
just do what feels right
sorry for mistakes i'm writing
this in class

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