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i am so stupid, phil

i reacted so badly and
said some stuff i didn't

and now, i have lost you

i didn't even get to know
you as much as i wanted

and that is just because of
my behavior

you did actually want to be
nice, but then there's me

i'm just not nice i guess

you know what?

i haven't known you for
long but i am still missing

you were so cool and it's
sad that we haven't met

like what if we met
around idk 2010???

or maybe 2009

we could of have been
so close rn because i do
think we are meant to
be friends

maybe i wouldn't need
to live alone like i do now?
maybe we could of have idk
become flat m8s and done
stupid shit like caspar and joe

i must sound stupid

it's just something about

would you at least do a vid
with me? we can do whatever
you want

idk i'm desperate

sideways gary
sorry but could u pls
stop texting me rn? i am
out with pj and chris,
and everyone around me
are looking at me because
of my phone vibrating 24/7


i'll stop

i'll take that as a no for
the video

sideways gary

yea, gr8


idk i just feel mean tbh
but yea, if u don't understand
phil's name, it's from a video he
made lol
just remember that their names
is what the other has them saved
as. like phil has saved dan as [trash]
oh and btw, remember i do upload
one chapter every single day

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