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sideways gary
heard that you're
joining, thank you
so much

why r u thanking me?
i'm just joining a vid

sideways gary
maybe it's just tht for
you, but for me it's more

idk how we have ended up
like this, but i don't like it

sideways gary
what do u mean?

i just wanted a friend, not
a catfight tbh

and we are supposed to
be adults, but i feel like
a teenager with this fight
in my life

sideways gary
well then stop this fight
and become my friend

well, it depends on how
tomorrow turns out

sideways gary
hm, gotta put my lucky
socks on then! yayay

hm i gotta put my all
black usual outfit on

sideways gary
aw you made a

sideways gary
that's a good sign

or maybe just the truth

sideways gary
i'll put the money on mine


i have easter break now, sooo
it'll probably be more than one
chapter every day tbh
i just love writing in this one idek
wehoooooooo ily

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