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sorry for mistakes i'm tired but wanted to upload for y'all kay

dan turns around nervously, not knowing what to expect. when dan's gaze lands on phil, he can feel his heart shattering. they are completely red.

"d-didn't you say that your phone was going to run out of battery?"

"i-i lied."

phil realizes that his eyes are still red, and fumbles around to find his glasses hanging on the hem of his pocket. he puts them on, knowing that they will tone down the red colour.

"why so?"

"i-i didn't want you to be able to say no, i was scared you wouldn't want me to come over."


dan looks down at his hands that are fumbling around with phone, noticing how slowly the silence hits the room. phil is looking at dan, seeing how his hair is starting to curl by the rain that has fallen on it.

"why have you been crying, phil?"

phil looks away as dan looks up, sighing as dan steps closer. dan takes off phil's glasses, drying away the cold tear that is falling with his thumb. phil doesn't dare to look up, dan is too close.

"would you like to tell me?"

phil shakes his head, finding it stupid how he is crying over him. dan is leaving soon, and phil hasn't been able to tell dan how much he means to him. it would be a terrible idea to tell him now, it will make everything worse.

"did i do something wrong?"

"no, it's just stupid."

dan smiles weakly and shakes his head, cupping half of his face. there's something about phil that makes him feel stronger than he actually is, and that makes him brave enough to take the next step.

"it's not stupid, just tell me."

"you're leaving me."

dan frowns, seeing how phil's eyes are still teary, just like his. he makes phil's gaze meet his by lifting his chin with his hand, it just being three inches between the two of them.

"i'm never leaving you for good, we'll always find back to each other."

dan's eyes flicker down to phil's lips, something phil notices. dan understands how phil is his best friend, but he can't stand pretending anymore.

it is happening, now or never.

it is chapter 69 soo
and yea it was kind of hidden but i foteshadowed in chapter 67 or something who knows but ya;

it is chapter 69 sooand yea it was kind of hidden but i foteshadowed in chapter 67 or something who knows but ya;

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'turned off' whops bye

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