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fringe m8
we haven't talked
since last sunday, and
that was like 4 days ago?
what's up??

oh nothing lol

fringe m8
aw dan you don't sound
very convincing, please
tell me what's up??

i am okay phil, i just
got a really bad hungover

fringe m8
you have been drinking
a lot lately danny

fringe m8

i haven't ??

fringe m8
daniel, i do have some
contact with pj, and he
says that you have been
drinking every single day
the last week, that doesn't
sound like someone being
okay! i just want to help you,
we can do something together?
i think that would help !!

i am okay, phil

and honestly, you
haven't really known
me long enough to give
me advice like that. you
don't know me phil, and
you can't help me!

and, why would you ask
me why i haven't been
talking to you if you knew?
ugh people


oh my wHOPS
did i just do that???
wellwell i said i was going
nice and slow, gOT YA

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