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phil closes the door to his apartment, turning around to face dan. phil is holding his bags, but dan has already dropped his. dan's eyes are staring intensely at phil's lips, his eyes screaming hunger. phil smirks as dan steps closer, letting dan grasp the bags out of his hands and drop them on the floor.

"this is so clichè, daniel."

dan rolls his eyes as he steps even closer, scanning phil's eyes as to ask for permission. he may be desperate, but not too desperate not to make sure phil wants this. but there's no doubt, phil indeed wants him.

"our relationship is cliché."

"it indeed is."

dan chuckles as he pushes a stray of phil's hair back, stepping once again closer to him. phil can't hold it back anymore, and connects their lips as he pushes dan's back into the wall. his hands are carefully going through dan's hair, and dan's hands are exploring phil's back.

it has never been a problem for the both of them to place their hands somewhere whilst they kiss, it has started to turn out as a habit that phil's explores dan's hair and dan's explores phil's back.

phil pulls away slowly, seeing dan's eyes open to look at phil. dan pecks phil's lips before taking his bags, leading phil upstairs in a hurry. phil confusingly walks after dan, and raises his brows at him as they walk into phil's room.

"and what are we going to do?"

"you didn't let me see how the clothes are on you in the store, so you are definitely letting me see how they are on you now."

phil chuckles and gives in, taking off his jacket and throws it on dan. phil lifts his t-shirt over his head and throws it on the floor, fishing up one of the shirts in the bag. he puts on a red one first, and phil looks extremely good in red.

dan throws himself in the bed, looking at phil posing jokingly in the red t-shirt. phil does this with the rest of his new clothes, and when he is trying on the last sweater he has problems getting it over his head.

dan laughs at him as he gets up, and drags the sweater over his head. phil chuckles and thanks him, pecking dan's lips with a smile. dan drags phil into bed, gladly spooning phil as he holds him close.

"should we watch some anime?"

dan nods, but doesn't let go of phil. it's only 16 days left, and that hurts him a lot. phil doesn't want dan to leave, and dan doesn't want to leave. but, he has to, sadly. nobody knows if everything will work out, and stuff can happen before dan even get to leave. again, who knows?

well, i know?? hmmm, a lot of fluff?? wow, what is happening?? hmmm heh hMMMM

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