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dan looks around in the apartment, shedding a tear as it's the last box. dan is moving in with chris, pj is moving in with phil. they'll all be happy, right?

dan is doing this for phil. he knows how much phil loves pj, probably just as much as dan loves phil. but he thought of the phrase 'if you love me, let me go', and understood that it was like made for this situation.

phil doesn't see the problem with all of this, his brain is all about pj. his heart, however, is all about dan. the brain is dominant in this situation, and it will probably continue like that. it's not phil's fault, he has gotten changed by charlie.

dan walks out of the apartment, closing the door after himself. he's not going to say goodbye to phil, they haven't really talked lately. they haven't talked at all, actually. dan is losing phil, phil is losing dan. they are going their separate ways, phil not even thinking about what they have been going through, together.

dan almost died for nothing. phil almost lost his best friend for nothing. dan was sad for nothing. now, dan is sad for everything. pj just wants phil, phil wants pj. dan wants phil, chris wants pj. nobody wants dan, nobody wants chris.

they have lost each other.

they are all going their separate ways.

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