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peeej xx
good morning, u
up ?? you're so lazy

phillll xx
i am up you dork

peej xx
good, i have to ask
you something !!

peej xx
is it okay if i sleep
over?? it's ok if you
say no, but like yea

phillll xx
yea sure peej !! you
can sleep here for as
many days as u want,
even a week !! xx

peej xx
yay !! but phil, what
happened to dan and
you ???

phillll xx
oh, we aren't talking

peej xx
aww phil, i'm so sorry!

phillll xx
it's ok, can't wait till
you come over, tho !!

peej xx
ditto!! i'm coming
over in 1 hour!!

phillll xx
okaaay xx


i'm ready to get killed because this will be h of a ride, ttyl

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