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dan places the last scrambled egg on phil's plate, and smiles as he places it on the table. he has even made some bacon too, and he is extremely shocked that he didn't burn it.

he fills up phil's cup with milk, and continues to his afterwards. it is almost perfect, if he could say so himself. he really hopes phil will like it, he is doing this to impress him and show his love towards him.

he can hear phil's small tired feet walk up behind him, and dan turns around with a grin. phil rubs his eyes with a smile, letting dan kiss his forehead. phil surprises dan with pecking his lips, this making the boy blush. the feeling of his lips is amazing and breathtaking, even if it sounds extremely cliché.

"good morning, babe."

"oh shut up, danny."

dan chuckles and sits down with his plate, phil copying the gesture. phil thanks him before taking a bite, dan waiting impatiently to hear if he liked it. he studies phil's expression for any hints, but has no luck.


"hm?" dan sighs as he leans back in his chair, staring phil down with a frown. phil chuckles and grabs his hand, kissing his knuckles. "it was good, thanks."

dan smiles as phil kisses his knuckles omce again, and they both eventually starts eating their eggs and bacon. silent hits the apartment, but not an awkward one. the silence is there because of how both of them are looking at each other, enjoying each other's presence.

"so, should we go to town later today?"

dan can only nod, not wanting his voice to break the silence that hits once again. dan is so thankful for getting to spend time with phil, he has never been so in love before. only if he wasn't moving it would all be perfect, only if.

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