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dan doesn't know what awaits him, and is a little nervous for meeting phil again. they have been doing things lately and have met, but phil was on a date yesterday and dan is slightly nervous about this ending up being awkward.

dan's phone 'turned off' right after he sent the last message, so he has no idea if phil is home, if he has seen the messages nor if phil actually wants to meet him. all he knows is that he can't go to his own apartment because of chris occupying it for a date, or more like netflix and chill, and he sure doesn't want to see that.

dan knocks on the door to the apartment, but he can't hear any movement inside. he sighs as he looks around, seeing phil's houseplant standing right beside the door. he lift the heavy plant to find the spare key laying there, this putting a smile on his face.

phil hasn't changed.

dan grabs the key and unlocks the door, pushing it open as he grabs the handle with gentle force, not wanting to make too much sound just in case phil is actually there. he closes the door after him and walks to the kitchen, placing the little bag with chinese food on the counter. silence hits the apartment, and that is when he hears them.

small, gentle whimpers filling the apartment with sadness and confusion.

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