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so you're gone

but there's no way
i will stop messaging
you, not at all

maybe you'll see them
some time, i don't know

but, i am so sorry

we are supposed to
be best friends, but
we can't be that now,
can we?

i'll see you soon, dan

hopefully it won't be
long, it depends on a
lot, actually

my mom is worried
for me, though

my dad, too

they're afraid that
this will make me
sad or depressed

but it won't

i will see you soon,
so i'm not sad

it makes me happy,

i have cried, though

i have cried a lot,
actually, that because
i thought i wouldn't
be able to see you again

but then i realized that
i am, sooner than anyone
thought, actually


this is hard, dan

we can't have our v
strange conversation
about animals in a
very long time

i need you, dan

see you soon, okay?

i have to go, ttyl


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