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sorry for mistakes, i'm too tired and lazy to read through it rn

dan takes a deep breath before knocking, nervous as he has to have a serious talk with phil. you know dan and his, srs bsns. he doesn't know how to approach him, but he knows that this has to be done.

should he peck his lips as a hello? it may be, inappropriate? dan is so scared that he is going to do something wrong, and even take the wrong decision when it comes to words. phil is important, and it should all be done right.

the door opens and a tired phil appears, him still wearing dan's black sweater. this puts a smile on dan's face, and phil copies the gesture. it is quite late as dan's interview took longer than he thought, but he is just happy to finally be with phil again.

"you comin' in?"

dan chuckles and nods, entering with his bag draped around his shoulder. he walks up the stair with phil right behind, phil enjoying the view with a smirk.

"i know what you're doing phil, your silence revealed you."

phil chuckles as they enter the lounge, both of them flipping down onto the couch. dan leans into phil's side, letting out a yawn. phil is tracing his fingers on dan's knee, letting a comfortable silence hit the room.

phil can feel dan being tense, and phil has a slight idea why. phil catched dan staring at his scars under the, well, exciting incident, and phil knows dan better than he knows himself. dan won't let a thing like that just go, hence the fact that dan has gone through just the same.


he hums as a response, finding their position and the comfortable silence delightful. dan looks up at phil, searching his eyes to find some hint of sadness, but there's none. dan smiles at this, leaning into phil again.

"i think you already know about me knowing, but i just want to know that you won't do it and haven't done it today."

phil smiles and nods, intertwining dan's hand with his. there's a part of him that tells him this is right, but there's also a part saying the complete opposite. he's afraid that their relationship can't take long distance, but he has a slight hope.

"good, i want you to be okay."


dan chuckles and sits up, stretching tiredly. he looks over at phil, seeing how small his eyes are. they are both extremely tired, and all they want to do is to sleep.

"can we go to bed?"

phil nods, telling dan that he can go to the bathroom first. dan excuses himself as he grabs his bag, walking slowly over to the bathroom. dan isn't one who uses a long time on the bathroom, but he always usea a little more time when he is tired, just like now.

phil grabs his phone and opens, his eyes meeting a picture of dan and him. the picture was taken at the party, the one where they met for the first time. phil remembers it extremely good, eve though he was drunk. he lied to dan about not remembering anything, that because he wanted to become his friend.

what phil doesn't know is, dan lied too. dan remember everything perfectly fine, even their now trending shipname. zoe was the one yelling phan the whole party, and dan did like the sound of it. phil and dan, phan.

the both of then are finished after fifteen minutes, and phil walks into his bedroom to see dan laying there fully clothed. dan really wants sleep, but he also wants to be awake for phil. phil strips till he's only in boxers, not letting his scars scare him. he crawls under the covers, smiling at the warmth it gives away.

dan rolls towards the floor, letting his feet fall onto the ground. dan tiredly strips till he's just in the boxers too, and crawls under the covers with phil. dan snakes his hand around phil's torso, laying his head in the crook of his arm.

"can you promise me something, phil?"

"and that is?" dan yawns, cuddling closer to phil. "dan?"

"to not hurt yourself anymore, please? and, please promise me that if we ever lose each other because of some mistake, that we'll find each other some day?"

phil smiles, nodding with a yawn. dan grins happily, finding phil's presence as the most comfortable, amazing and calming thing that is. phil turns off the light, letting out a last sigh before closing his eyes.

"goodnight, phil."

"goodnight, dan."

"i love you."

"ditto, dan. ditto."

okaaay so i have two choices mkay m8s ?? like pls ???

this will continue till 100%, and theen i don't really know what to do. should i write a sequel, or should i just write an epilogue? like i am so unsure, but i am 100% sure about how i am going to end this book sooo. like idek, it's hard. ttyl i hope

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