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thank you,

i am seriously overwhelmed by all the support you have given me through writing this book, and i am proud of calling you my readers and some even my followers. i have no idea why, but ending this book feels like it being your kid that's moving out. this book means a lot to me, and i am so glad that you all bothered to read it!

this is the first phanfic i have ever written, and i had nothing planned when i first started it. somehow you all still loved it, and i have no idea how, but thank you so much. it's a little funny, actually. i have literally just written this book without needing to tell when the plot is happening exactly, but somehow nobody has really commented on it. i have said that it happens in 2015, but i am pretty sure that i haven't said when exactly more than a couple of times.

but seriously, thank you for your comments, votes and reads generally. it does mean a lot to me, you all are so nice and it's sad that a lot of you won't bother to read the sequel, but know that i would love to see more of you! you all are so supportive, and i love every single one of you, even if you decide that you are happy with the ending you got here!

seriously, thank you so much.


so, to the sequel.

yea, it has been deleted (ironic, right?).
if somehow someone, actually, really wants me to restart it, i'm up for it tbh. but, i believe y'all are happy about this ending.

i am now going to cry as i change the settings of this book to "completed", because seriously, so emotional.

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