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dan walks towards the sound, knowing every single inch of the apartment. why shouldn't he? it also belonged to him a while ago. his feet travel slowly towards the sound, ending up right outside the bedroom.

the sobs are clear and there are no doubts that they belong to phil, they are so quiet and innocent. dan listens closely, hoping that he could hear wrong and that phil is just watching a sad movie.

that is obviously not the case, and dan knows it too well.

he is about to knock when the sobs slowly disappear, and silence hits the apartment once again. dan doesn't move a muscle, hoping that phil doesn't hear him and that he can walk slowly out without a sound.

dan wants to do this right, and at least approach him without scaring him. he turns around with no sound, and he can actually manage to walk out without having phil noticing it. but, it all went too good.

when dan is about to walk down the stairs his phone goes off, and of course, it is a call. he fumbles around to find out which pocket his phone is in, but it is too late as it stops ringing. it should be a good thing, but dan already knows that phil has heard him.

the ringtone that played was the one that phil only has, so it couldn't be mistaken. phil heard the phone clearly, and is now standing right behind a nervous dan.


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