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i am so sorry ttyl

dan searches under the plant and finds the key, checking his phone one last time to see if there are any texts from phil. just in case he decides to tell him something or to say that he doesn't want him to go inside, he has to check one last time. but of course, no texts.

when dan got the picture of phil and pj from one of his friends, he literally started to cry. he could actually feel the pain building up in his chest as he kept staring at the picture, and he couldn't control his tears. it was all too much, and it felt like his world started to fall apart. somehow, he believes it did.

it couldn't be mistaken that it was taken recently, and that it was after they confessed their love to each other. it was so obvious, and to dan it looked like phil nor pj didn't even bother trying to hide it. phil was somewhat wearing dan's sweater on the picture, but pj was wearing a t-shirt that suspiciously looks just like phil's favorite t-shirt. the t-shirt dan bought to him because it has small plants on it, the one phil almost cried for.

he unlocks the door quietly, not hearing a single sound. relief rushes through dan's body, he's just glad that it didn't turn out like in the fanfictions and movies. the stereotypical 'guy walking into flat or house hearing suspicious sounds, finding them in bed' fictions have started to get a little overused. he is just glad.

he closes the door, being a little louder now. he throws off his shoes and walks into the kitchen, looking desperately after his sweater. he chuckles quietly at phil's mess, not even noticing the few small hints to what he's about to see. the bag under the table, the t-shirt over the chair and the light smell of popcorn in the thin air.

dan lets his feet travel over to the lounge, but without permission they stop right in the doorway. his eyes are scanning his feet, he really doesn't want to let them look at what will break his heart, and what will break him. but, they do look up.

his gaze first falls on pj, and then on phil laying in the crook of his arm. they aren't doing anything bad, just cuddling. but for dan it isn't just cuddling, not at all. pj is laying there with phil in his arms, the phil that dan wanted to trust and love. why can't phil let dan love him?

dan pulls out his phone shakily, trying all he can to not break out in tears. but, he can't manage to hold it in anymore. he slides the camera up, and his gaze falls on the screen as he takes the picture. all he can see is treachery, the betrayal of trust that dan almost saw coming. he doesn't see the boy he has extreme feelings for anymore, and it's almost like it has turned into hatred.

he doesn't even think about the sweater phil is wearing, the sweater dan actually came to get. somewhere in phil's brain, he knew he would never get over dan. he just knows that he can't have him, and he tries all he can to fall in love with pj. dan doesn't know this, and as it is right now, he probably never will.

just 5 minutes after dan is outside of their flat again, ready to knock on like he hasn't been there. he wants to see what phil does, and how he reacts to the picture he is about to see. he wants to see if phil would actually lie to him straight in the face, and see if there is something left of the good, trustworthy guy that dan once knew and loved,

and he knocks.

after one minute the door opens, and a tired phil stands there with a small smile. dan flinches as he sees the sweater, but tries all he can to not let it change anything. phil greets dan, still smiling oblivious like always.

"are you alone?"

phil furrows his brows together, but does it to hide the nervous expression he would originally have. he doesn't know what to say, but decides somehow to just nod with a little fake smile. phil is so oblivious that he almost expects dan to kiss him, but he gets the complete opposite.

"explain this."

as phil sees the picture, he knows everything has been thrown in the trash. he has made a huge mistake, and he doesn't know if he ever will be able to see, talk to nor communicate with dan at all after today. but at least he knows, oh boy how he has screwed up.

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