March 16th 2016

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"Evelyn's been extremely busy today, filtering calls."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because the calls were coming from Tatler and Vanity Fair, asking for comments about my 'romantic relationship' with Sophie Delaney."

"Oh, shit."

"That's what I thought."

"What did you get Evelyn to tell them?"

"No comment. What else could I say!"

"'No comment?' That's the worst thing you could say."

"How so?"

"Because it's like a red rag to a bull! Those arseholes are like dogs going after a bone now, thinking that they can turn our lives upside down in the hopes of finding some juicy bit of gossip when in reality, there's nothing there to be found."

"What should I have said, then?"

"'Sophie Delaney and I are friends but to suggest that there is a romantic relationship between us is wildly exaggerate.'"

"Would that work?"

"It's better than leaving them make up their own version of events. Knowing those pricks, by tomorrow, you and I will be engaged or hiding an unplanned, out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Or something stupid along those lines."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I spoke to Philip Grey, your family's lawyer, and he's getting in touch with your father for permission to deal with it."

"Daniel, are you trying to give me grey hairs?"


"Urgh... never mind. Getting Philip involved is pointless. Once the lawyers come into the scene, they know you're definitely hiding something."

"Out of interest, on a scale of one to ten- one being 'not at all' and ten being 'stratospherically'- how much did I mess up this damage control?"

"It's ok, Daniel. I'll make a few calls and try and sort something out. Don't worry about it too much."

"Well, I do. you've got to go and sort out this mess I've made and you're going to look like an idiot because of my idiocy."

"Don't worry about how I look. I'm about to start working for the most powerful person in the publishing world so I think I'm ok."

"But still. If I hadn't gone in, all guns blazing like that and insisted on giving a 'no comment' statement, then you wouldn't be in this situation."

"You weren't to know. Anyway, one day I might need your expertise to come and get me out of a tight spot."

"I'm a divorce lawyer."

"I might need a divorce."

"Really, Sophie?"

"You have a law degree, don't you?"

"Yes. And I passed the Bar."

"So, technically, if I ever got arrested, you could come and be my lawyer?"

"Technically. Are you planning on getting arrested?"

"I never plan on stuff like that happening but that's not to say that it won't happen."

"If you're just going to call me, what's the point of having Philip Grey on retainer?"

"PG is more my dad's lawyer."


"It's easier that saying Philip Grey."

"Haha. Is PG ok with his nickname?"

"I don't particularly care, if I'm honest."

"Course you don't."

<<-Miss Clément? You have  Diana Clarke from Tatler on line one for you. She's asking for a comment about you and your boyfriend.->>

"Um, Daniel, I need to go. I have Tatler on the line wanting a comment."

"I heard. Good luck."

"Thanks. I won't be able to call you back later, though. I've got a ton of meeting to go to today. I'm getting my temporary replacement up to speed on my job, so..."

"Say no more. Call whenever you have a free moment."

"Will do. Bye, Daniel."

"Later, Pug."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now