May 13th 2016

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No A/N tonight, just the update.

Sarah, xx


"I hate Friday the thirteenth."

"It can't be that bad."

"That bad? Are you for real? Do you know what I've had to put up with today?"

"From your indignant tone of voice, I'm guessing you've put up with a lot."

"Yeah, and it was all thanks to that fucking assistant of yours."

"Ok, if you're swearing, then I guess it really has been a bad day. Right, tell me all about it."

"Ok, first of all, did you hear about the fuss she kicked up at the hotel?"


"She went ballistic! They tried putting her in a junior suite and she hit the roof. She was yelling and making demands. It was intense."

"Why did she end up in the junior suite? I booked the Sophie Suite at The Delaney. She shouldn't have been in a junior suite."

"Don't defend her! You're giving credence to her madness if you do that!"

"I'm just saying that she was correct in the fact that she had the wrong room, but I agree with you that she shouldn't have vocalised her opinions the way she did."

"Very diplomatic, Soph."

"I try. Did the room get sorted?"


"No? So, she stayed in the junior suite?"

"Did she hell. No, she demanded that she stay at my house. My house! She made me cook her breakfast this morning, which meant that I missed out on my early morning gym session and that's just put me in a bad mood. Also, do you know how many food intolerances and allergies Jasmine has?"


"Gluten, yeast, and lactose intolerances. She's allergic to fish and sea foods in general, as well as nuts, eggs and celery and celeriac. Breakfast this morning literally consisted of water!"


"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny."

"Oh, sweetie, it is. Jasmine is only allergic to nuts."


"I've seen the woman scarf down bread like there's no tomorrow, eat sushi like it's air and eat hummus with celery. Jasmine is only allergic to nuts. She carries an epi-pen for that though."

"You mean to tell me that she isn't allergic to gluten, yeast, lactose, fish, sea foods, eggs and celery?"

"Just nuts, I'm afraid."

"I'm going to kill her. I'm going to kill her! Sophie, I swear to God! I am going to-"

"Kill her?"


"Daniel, just chill out and breathe, ok? Where is she now?"

"Knowing Samuel, probably in his bed by now."

"Oh. That's... nice."

"In a weird way, it kinda is."

"How so?"

"She's off torturing him and not me. Finally, I get a break from her nagging!"

"I'll bet."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now