April 27th 2016

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<<Sophie Clément's phone, Jasmine speaking. How may I help?>>

"Hi, Jasmine. It's Daniel."


"Is Sophie around?"

<<She's just in a meeting but she shouldn't be too much longer.>>

"A meeting? About, what?"

<<Oh, you know... stuff.>>

"What is she hiding?"

<<I haven't the faintest what you are talking about. Whatsoever.>>

"That was not at all convincing."

<<Or was it?>>

"It wasn't."

<<That's just you opinion.>>

"I suppose. Shall I call Sophie again later?"

<<No, stay on the line. We can have a chat while you  wait for Sophie to come back.>>

"Chat about what?"

<<Well, we can either talk about how you ripped out Sophie's heart or we can talk about your grandmother. Up to you.>>


<<Let's talk about you grandmother, then.>>

"Can I ask you something, Jasmine?"


"Sophie... is she... ok?"

<<Are you seriously that dense that you're asking me that? Look, man, you know Sophie better than I do, how do you think she's doing? Do you think she's ok?>>

"-Is who ok? Who are you on the phone to? Is that my phone?-"

<<-Oh, hey, boss. I'm just catching up with Daniel. On your phone.->>

"-Get off the phone, Jasmine.-"

<<-Ok.- It was nice talking to you, Daniel.>>

"You too, Jasmine."



"Please don't talk to anyone else on my phone."


"Thanks. Why are you calling?"

"Because it's almost eleven pm and I'm bored."

"How sweet. You're calling me because you're bored."

"And I wanted to talk to you."


"Ok, I said that wrong. I wanted to hear your voice."

"Great, you've heard it. Now I have to go."

"Go? But you just got on the phone."

"That's as may be but I have a meeting to go to."

"You just came from one."

"Yes, but I have another to go to."

"What for now?"



"Yes. Are we done now?"

"Apparently so."

"-Jasmine! Where the hell are my shoes?-"

"What do you need shoes for?"

"Why do you need shoes? I'm going to a meeting with a hard nut ballbuster and I need shoes that will make me feel like I'm a hard nut ballbuster."

"Can shoes make you feel all that?"



<<Which shoes did you want? The Louboutin or the Choo?>>

"-Choo.- Daniel, I need to go now."

"Kill it in the meeting."

"I will. Hey, what are you doing on Sunday?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have something to talk to you about."

"... What do you need to talk to about?"




"You're being very vague this week."


"Will you tell me on Sunday?"

"We'll see."

"Ok. Well, I'll leave you go."


"Later, alligator."

"Good bye, Daniel."

"What?! Again?!"


"Not fair!"

"Suck it up. Toodle pip."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now