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Requested by: sun_wave. A random neutral (Meaning both genders bros) reader intsert (Robots in disguise 2015)

The (S/C) colored human gasped out loudly as you were roughly picked up. Squirming in the purple robot's grip, you banged your fist against his servo, as your cat, (E/C) ears were pulled back in annoyance. (Y/N) rather already grew found of this giant robot from the pass few hours you had spent with him, since from where he kidnapped you, to welp. Now. Well it just came unexpected as you were happily minding your own business, and then out of the blue you came apound this scene where giant robots were fighting this one other robot. It was so confusing and shocking you just froze there in the spot, staring wide eyed. A bot in a red scheme turned his attention away from his foe and caught sight of a human, that being you, with strange things atop her head, and something poking out from your behind. His optics widen and looked over at the yellow bot.

"Bumblebee we got a human!" The bot in red alerted the one so called Bumblebee, gaining the attention from all the others. That's when (Y/N) finally broke out from your trance. With ears pressed against your head in fear you made a bee line for it, running off from the unknown. You didn't live with other 'normal' people because of your extra limbs. The whole reason you were living a life in the forest, and keeping away from other people, was because one day a batch of stupid scientist decided to mix animal DNA into human DNA, and out pop many failures until, you. (Y/N) they called you, were out of the first to success. But you managed to escape many years later. And here you were now a couple of months later. You still had a lot to learn from the outside world. And you defiantly knew, those robots aren't from here.

Running as fast as you can. Your legs started to ache, and you started heaving for air. But you wouldn't stop until you were certain you were a safe distance away from them. Only to come to an forcefully stop as something shot out in front of you. It was purple and it looked very menacing with those sharp claws and looks. But despite it's size you hoped you could out run it. Turning to take off once more you gulped as another one was blocking your way. Cornered you were you tried thinking of a solution, as your tail flicked nervously.

"Good job you two. Caught my trophy where I want it." Your ears perked towards the sound and you snapped your direction to look at a tall bot emitting from the woods, with a smirk.

"I haven't seen a human like you before. Which makes it even better." It chuckled as he reached for you.

"Fuck this shit!" You turned and made a run for it. Thought you should of known you couldn't escape a giant robot. You let out a squeal as you were lifted of from the ground and met with the bot's gaze.

"Come along boys before, the autobots show up." In command you watch in rather awe as the little robots shifted into what look like big bullets or rather to say sharp bombs as they landed onto the bigger bots form. With that you were certain these weren't built in a lap. But they build you. It wouldn't seem a surprise if they actually did, but...why fight one another?

"Maybe this mission wasn't useless at all." The robot spoke right before your blazing (E/C) eyes as it shifted into something reviling it to be of some sort of motorcycle. 'robots that can transform. I didn't knew it was going to come to this.' You squealed once more as you were pulled out of your thoughts, as the motorcycle begin to move and race out of the place with you tightly gripping on the handles not daring to make a move, or jerk to change direction.

And now here you were, glaring daggers up at your kidnapper.

"Now what to do with you." He asked mostly to himself.

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