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Requested by: Wolves-of-the-moon A lemon female insert. In which you are a cybertrioan.

Literally crashing. Your back up against a wall, as glossa twirled in a dominance dance. His leg between your throbbing port, as all gaps were closed between the two metal forms. It's only been a couple of humans hours that you had arrive back to join everyone in Earth after your ship has picked up the message of your sparkmate, Optimus in which you haven't seen for such a long time. But now that you were back with your mate, and the two of you were finally alone. It was time for all the fluff to go away and start to get to naughty after so many years of doing so. Primus you didn't realized how you two wanted it.

To be touch. To be wanted. That safe feeling in your lovers grasp. Such gentle touch. Who knew a big bot such as himself was able to please a femme, and to be sweet about with such care is such a rarity to be soft to the touch. Yes always gentle and careful. Always asking if you wanted to go on. Never does to do without permission.

Yes such a gentlemech he is.

Breaking apart, you both breathed heavily as Optimus connected his helm with yours.

"Oh Optimus.....it's been so long I forgot how did this felt." You whispered.

"It has hasn't it..?" Optimus asked.

"Well you don't mind we have it all for one night?"

"As long as you want this to proceed." Optimus responded. And with a smile, you crashed your lips against his once more. Like a tug a war with glossas, you were practically all over the mech, as you wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms locked in a hold around his neck. cupping your aft, and still smothering each other, he walked the way his berth is located. Feeling the surface of his berth as he layed you down. Breaking apart just slightly as you two took a breather, he kissed your jawline before leaving a trail of soft kisses to one of your neck cables, as he started to nibble on one.

"Oh Optimus....~" You moaned. He hummed in response as he broke away from your tinging neck cables, and glanced up at you. With optics full of lust and permission, you simply nodded wanting to continue on. The sound of a clip, and met with the environment's air, as your interface plating was taken off the thrown carelessly to the side. He proceeded to do the same to himself as the next 'thumb' was heard as his plating hit the ground. Becoming giddy you grinned, as he position himself on top of your form.

"You can tell me whenever you feel like stopping." Optimus stated. You nodded now feeling a bit nervous after these many years. Slowly did the head of his spike reached the lips of your port. Gasping, your servos digging into his plate armor. With comforting words, he slid himself inside you. Dear Primus you have forgotten how big of a mech he was. Seeming like forever he was finally fully inside of you. You were already panting a mess as you painfully took his size. reassuringly he kissed the top of your helm, whisper sweet things into your audio receptors to keep your mind away from the knowning pain, as it slowly started to vanish. A few moments passed by before you nodded for him to continue, and with a tight grip on him, he begin thrusting into you I a steady pace.

Moaning and clawing his back, as that left him groaning your name. This went on and on, his pace gaining speed, the sounds rising, the berth shaking with each thrust. And with a loud moan you both gaved in into each other. You weren't sure if anyone passing by heard, but you didn't pay no mind, as you collapse tired. Optimus laying down by your side, he pulled you close to him, as he held you in his hold.

"I love you (Y/N)..."

""I love you to sweetspark..."

I'm sorry it's short I dunno how to Prime .-.
He's suppose to be a gentlemech so I'm like hmmm welp ok then how do I deal with this. And then cuz he's a Prime he knows how to get the ladies so yea...kind not really Idk, and that's why there was a long wait so oops

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