Mtmte TarnXreader

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Requested by: @LastLightAlive a reader fluff neutral insert. Now just a fair warning for you guys who actually know Tarn. I have no idea what (*cough* who) a Tarn is but i'll try. Try.....and try...And he doesn't seem like he has a mouth so i'll have to be creative!
And P.S
I'm's freaking short

I guess they were right about him. He can talks them to death.  That's what they say anyway. You say. He's just a big softie in the inside. Alongside his scary side they say. They don't believe you, they say. But you don't care, you say. It doesn't matter if they believed you or not, you say. Your just happy because he choose you. Out of everyone he choosed you, for your remaining human years of living. Even if you did warned him about how he'll live long, and longer for eons. And you die of old age, or any cause. He took the risk, he says.

"I love you." You mumbled, repeatedly, bringing the purple mech to chuckle.

"I love you too (Y/N), now quite telling me. You told me enough how you felt and i'm grateful for it." He spoke. You grinned and looked up from where you were. Under the servo of your alien lover, on his chest.

"I know, but I just love to remind you." You giggled, causing him to sigh.

"I'm doubting I am the one talking people to death." He chuckled lightly at the end, causing your grin to widen.

"I'm just one hell of a talker." You quoted Sebastien. He scoffed at this and begin to stroke your (H/L) (H/C) hair with his large thumb, as you leaned into the feeling.

"You certainly are for a small human like yourself."

"Hey I am not, i'm (Y/H) to get that clear in the way."

"You're still tiny."

"For you. Your a giant compared to me." You pouted playfully. He shooked his helm, and if he had a mouth he would of been smiling widely right now.

" You are right. But still. You are extremely tiny." You stuck your tongue out at him in a playful matter before getting poked, by the mech.

"Says you." You went into a giggle fit as he started to poke you around, making you ticklish to your sensitive areas of your body.

"I cannot lie as that is indeed so, darling~" He purred out, just as he stopped tickling you, and left you to calm down, and catch your breath.

"Oh what ever." You stated as you got on your knees and hands, and started crawling over towards the mech faceplate. Only inches apart, you kissed on top the area a mouth would be. Smiling you pulled back and looked up at Tarn's red optics meeting with your (E/C) eyes.

"I love you." You started again. Groaning he put a servo on his faceplate as he needed to deal with this once again.

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