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A random neutral reader insert. It's for a friend :3 and you know who you are hehe

You released a sighed as you finally reached your designation. The little cabin you were going to spend your summer in, deep in the woods, alone, with nature. Just the perfect way to waste the three sunny months, and away from socializing. To human beings. You couldn't lie you weren't much of a people person, as you rather prefer to be around with mother nature. The wild animals happily doing what they were born to be doing, the green of life on the ground and high above in the sky. And all that going to waste with the following generation. You sighed once again realizing how all this beauty was going to waste. Shaking off your mind as you grabbed your things from your truck, you started to head inside, not noticing the pair of red optics following your figure.

With many tiring hours passing by, you sat down on your old (F/C) couch with a groan. You had just finished settling everything in, as well cleaned your whole cabin, and made dinner. Thought with food being cooked, you simply needed to wait. It was dark out, the full moon shining in the starry sky, the soft breeze of the trees moving, the night sounds of animals chirping and calling. It was...calming to say the least. It was. Until your (E/C) eyes glanced outside the window to see two red glowing orbs, staring straight at you. Your (E/C) eyes widening in the shock, you quickly jumped out of your couch and ran outside, being the carelessly, curious person you are. The night's air hit your warm skin, cooling you, as you looked for the red glowing sources of light. But. You saw nothing. You couldn't be imaging  it could of you? Being alos the determined person, you simply couldn't let it be. And with that, you venture out into the think shadows of the woods. Your breathing coming in shallow breaths, as excitement and regret filled your insides, as you aimlessly continued in the blind dark path. You were starting to give up, realizing how this was pointless, and a bad idea. Sighing for the one hundredth time now, you turned on your heels, and was about to leave until a twig snap. Snapping your head up to the source of sound, you turned to the direction seeing a dark figure lurking in the trees. Narrowing your (E/C) eyes, as you took slow steps towards the looming dark figure, it turned to face you, and you found what you were looking for, as your (E/C) made it's way towards it's own eyes you suspected. Before you could respond a word, it quickly ran off.

"H-hey, wait!" You called out, and chased after the thing. Trying to catch up with the it, it's footsteps made heavy down falls, making the earth shake beneath you, you were close enough to feel that impact so greatly.

"Wait! Please!?" You desperately called out to it, as you managed to say in gasp. Your pace was slowing down, as you couldn't keep up any more with it's fast past, as you fall back, and stopped, panting heavily, looking at where it has run off to. Finally catching your breath you released another sigh of disappointment, as you weren't able to keep up, and find out what it was.

"I...I just wanted to meet you.." You stated to no one, as you turned and left back towards your cabin. Red optics linger on your retrieving form, from where the mech hid. His cooling fans were going haywire, and his faceplate was covered in a heavy blue of a blush. He couldn't help himself as he sadly looked off to where you walked off to. He couldn't bring himself to show you, him. He was too nervous. But...he wasn't the mech to do so. So...why was he like this? Thunderhoof always question himself, but ever since that little human, you, the (H/L) (H/C) hair, with glowing (E/C), with smooth lo0king (S/C) skin, came into his view of life. It changed him completely. He wanted you and nothing more. Not wanting to share you to anyone, But he couldn't bring himself to take you away and keep you with him forever. He was greedy to think of such yes. But, you need to be selfish in life to get what you want. So, why isn't he doing this? He couldn't bring himself to ruin your life.

You sat down once more on your old (F/C) couch, with your cooked meal in your lap. You didn't ate, you just stared at it, wondering what it was. Whatever it was, it was a goal for you to find out this summer, capture it.

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