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Requested by: raven_random_fan10 a random neutral reader insert. In the Bayuniverse

You cried out in pain as you layed there in the ground. Covered in dirt and blood, as your (F/C) tail switched side to side, and your (F/C) ears pointed down. Your (E/C) eyes were rimmed in tears, as you were enduring the pain. You were caught in a bad time, as curiosity has brought you to this situation. You could say.

"Curiosity killed the cat.." You said softly to yourself, as you chuckled at your own inside joke. You grunted as you put a hand up at your injured side. Taking deep breaths, to calm down from the pain. You sighed. This could probably been your last day living a hidden life. At that thought, you cast a glance down at your tail. Living a lie all because you were a neko. Never to show yourself, as people wouldn't understand. But...you were living with giant robots. And if they were captured, that didn't mean they were from here. Just like you. But since then from that break out, as other alien robots came out of no where and crashed the place. That happening it left you to have a chance. A chance to escape from the white walls, as one of the bots stepped into the side of your room, and a opening made itself. The glory of a wall, you took it. But soon after. It wasn't long as you ended up in a different state, and now injured.

"I shouldn't never left.." You told yourself silently, as you sniffled. 'This is it.' You thought to yourself. Your vision was turning spotty, as you caught the sounds of thuds and explosions. Whatever that could be, you didn't care. Vision blury, the sounds of chaos going on faded in and out of your hearing, as it was no longer but a distant call. You saw shapes. Yes. Moving shapes of neon green and blue. they were giant colored shapes, as they seem to becoming closer. You heard the distant calls of someone saying,

'Stay alive.'

'Hang in there.'

'What is that?'

"Let's not worry about that now, we must-'

And then the darkness took you away. Who knows how long it has been. But you felt comfortable. For the first time in your life, as long as you could remember, you felt warmth and comfort, at whatever you were on. 'Wait what?' You bolted up at sudden realization, as your breathing came in quick breaths. 'I was suppose to be dead!'

"hey they're awake." Someone spoken, as you quickly glanced at the direction your (F/C) ears leading towards the sound. You sucked in your breath, as what stood before you were two giant robots. Two robots you had seen before. In the lab..

"Easy there organic, we do possess any harm towards you." An navy blue bot, that looked like he could of been a male comparing to the voice and the build of his body. His voice was some out calming when he spoke, and that brought your tension down. Your tail was fizzled, as your ears were pulled back, not daring to loose your ground.

"You look different from the other humans here." The green one stated. You narrowed your (E/C) eyes towards him, and released a hiss, making him jump back in surprise.

"And that too." The blue one looked over at the direction of the green as he didn't seem so satisfied the way they were acting towards you.

"Crosshairs, I don't think your actions are suiting for this situation. The are frighten." The blue one said to the one so called Crosshairs. Crosshairs grunted and went back to his normal posture as if nothing ever happen.

"Ah whatever, i'll let you and Prime take care of this. I have better places to be." He simply stated trying to act it out, as he transformer - which amazed you deeply, as you watched enchanted the way they move to transform. With the sound of metal against metal, this for sure you knew, will never cease to stop amazing you. Once Crosshairs was no robot, but a Earth vehicle, he droved off, bringing up dust, and left with a muddy trace.

"Forgive me about his actions, little one. I am Drift." He said gently, as he kneeled down, trying to get closer to you. You tensed up once again as even thought Crosshairs was no longer present, Drift here could easily squish you like road kill. It was silent as the two of you were having a stare down between his bright blue....eyes? And your own catlike (E/C) eyes. 'Why isn't he doing anything?' You thought to yourself, as suddenly you felt surging pain returning. Holding in a grunt you quickly glanced down to where the injuring was to find yourself badly wrapped up in a now bloody cloth. One of them must of done it, as it wouldn't be this messy for a human.

"Apologies, I couldn't tie it correctly as you have a small delicate form." Drift apologized. You glanced up at him, once more before looking down at the bandage and sighed, as you begin to bandage yourself up correctly.

"No...no it's alright thank you....thank you for saving me." You spoke softly, not sure if he was able to catch what you spoken. Without you looking, Drift seemed pleased with himself, as he got a word from you. Thought no sighs of emotions were showing as he hid a small smile.

"You are most certainly welcome." You managed to finish bandaging yourself up, as a small smile made it's way towards your lips. Looking back up to the robot seeming to tense as he caught sight at an unexpected emotion of your happiness seeming. Chuckling at his state, you carefully stood up, glad for your legs not giving in on you.

"They call me (Y/N)." You said with a hint of proud in your voice.

"(Y/N)." He repeated. "(Y/N)...what a unique name you have." Drift said liking the sound of your name rolling off his metallic glossa.

"Thank you. I like your name too." You complimented.

"Thank you too you as well, and you are welcome." He said, before he stood up himself. You had to arch your neck uncomfortably to be able to catch the look on his faceplate.

"Optimus will want me to bring you with you, as after all we do owe you as you got harmed by the decepticons." He said, before transforming as well. His passanger door opened up for you. Like an invite, as you stared after it, your tail curled up.


"I'll come with you!" You stated happily, cutting him off his sentence, as you staggered your way towards him with a slight limp. Yes you were bruised and badly injured. But not as before. And so with you literally falling into his seats, as your legs gave in. The door shut from behind you and begin to drive off. For your future awaits.

I know I know i'm sorry it's a bit sucky, I got home from school, and I know I needed to finish one of these request so I did it .-. I have so much stuff to do

 I have so much stuff to do

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