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Requested by: ErnestinaBorrego A random neutral reader insert ^.^

You crackled a smile, widely as you tried containing your laughter. Today was like any other day ever since you've been 'brought' to the decepticon base. You haven't planned this but. Mind as well take it. It wasn't that bad as you thought it was going to be when that red sleek aston martin showed up to your life in front of your garage door. You weren't a normal person in hiding. As well as the hiding problem but. It was the only way to keep you safe from the government when you suddenly grew a pair of ears and a long fuzzy tail. You didn't expect the next day to be caught up in a whole out alien robot war. But you did and now you are here a couple months later. You made friends with everyone.

Knockout and Breakdown, were your first-and best friends- you have first made here in the ship. Starscream eh....let's just say he doesn't like cats as much. Soundwave. He's cool. And creepy when he doesn't say a word at all. Megatron doesn't even bother with you anymore as you been left in the hands of both the medics. And at last the vehicons you talked with every time one comes injured from some mission.

Other then that you lived a pretty decent life. The autobots don't know of your existence, you were probably going to get squished one day. Like right now. You screamed loudly, as you were finally able to calm down and stoped aburtly as Breakdown stomped down heavily making the ground shake. Managing you dove under a hiding place and grinned as you peeked over. Breakdown's foot was covered in red paint as he had a grin on his faceplate. That soon disappeared as the sound of foot steps where coming quickly. Breakdown spar you a look, as you nodded. Apound entering a wided opticed medic burst out from the door and looked around before his gaze fell on the ground where the fake blood was everyone.

"Uh.....Knockout....I think I stepped on...(Y/N)." Breakdown spoked as he lifted his pede up. Knockout gasped putting a servo over his mouth as he looked. Devastated.

"Knockout.....I-i'm so sorry I-I didn't see them. I'm sorry Knockout." Breakdown lied as he shooked trying to not laugh out loud. You started to giggle, and put a hand over your mouth trying not to burst out as well as you stared up at Knockout's expression. Thought you couldn't for long as Breakdown finally broke down laughing, falling in the process. You shakily stepped out from where you hid as you were laughing along with Breakdown.

"Oh my god Knockout!Y-your.....your priceless!" You laughed out as you fell and started clunching your stomach. Kncokout now looked annoyed as he process this.

"Can't believe this was a prank....again." He groaned as he had a servo covering his faceplate and another on his hips as he shook his helm.

"We got you again Knockout. And was it good this time."

"Totally agree!" You grinned as you looked up at the two with your tail flicking to side to side. Breakdown finally calming down attempted to stand once more. Only to break down laughing again and loosing balance, as you burst out into a fit of giggles as well.

"Oh yes you two are hilarious." Knockout grumpled as he glared over at the two of your laughing forms on the ground. He sighed as a little grin grew on his features as he did found it quite funny that he fell for it.

"Come on it was good." Breakdown said once more as he sighed satisfied once the laughter died down.

"Ah yes. Do you two want to know what I think?" Knockout said the grin growing. You perked your ears in question as you and Breakdown looked up smiling.

"What is it?" You asked titlting your head a bit to the side.

"For punishment you two are going to buff me! Doesn't that sound fun." Knockout exclaimed happily as both you and Breakdown's smiles fell into a frown.

"But Knoc-"

"Sorry doll, there's no 'buts'." Knockout said leaving this to be as he started walking out of med bay.

"Meet me back there in two human hours sharp." As Knockout's final saying leaving the two disappointed bot and neko alone to glance one another groaning.

With the following two hours coming by here you were. Buffing away on Knockout's glamoures finish.

"(Y/N) do it again." Knockout said glancing over at your buffing job. You groaned loudly and worked on the same spot once more, as Breakdown was buffing his back. Knockout happily sighed with a cocky grin was plastered on his faceplates. You glanced over at Breakdown you both sharing the same thing in mind 'Pay back.'

Sorry it's short but that's the best I could I thought of XD

Sorry it's short but that's the best I could I thought of XD

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