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Requested by: stormcly1234 a lemon female insert. In the Bayuniverse,

You and Bumblebee were in a relationship ever since the whole Fallen problem leading to going to Egypt. More or less, somewhere there.

And now here you two were.

You in your giant boyfriend's lap, and him leaning against the wall of the abandoned warehouse, you two found a while back. You two were very bored. Even thought you couldn't see him as often because of mission, and him protecting Sam. You didn't want to waste your little time with Bee doing nothing. Groaning you looked up at Bee from where you sat at, causing him to look down at you, those big blue optics staring into your own (E/C) eyes.

"Beeee.....I'm bored..." you stated boredly. He nodded in agreement, making a few clicking sounds. Looking up at the big screen sheet, that was installed not too long ago. An idea made it's way to your head.

"Hey Bee wanna watch a movie?" You asked looking up. He nodded excitedly, causing you to smile. Jumping off from where you were seated you ran to your bag, and gotten out your laptop. Walking up to where the screen sheet was, you hooked it up, and bam it was connected. The good thing for you two was your laptop had internet (As you installed that too into your hideout) and went onto Netflix.

"Anything you wanna watch?" You asked glancing over your shoulder at him. He simply shrugged, as you turned to face the laptop's screen again. Humming in thought you just realized. You needed to go. And bad. Standing up quickly, you begin to run to the nearest restroom.

"Hey Bee you could just pick anything random, I'll be back!" You quickly said before disappearing behind the door of the restroom's. Bee chuckling lightly to your actions, gotten up and went to see which movie to pick.

It wasn't long before, you came out satisfied. With a smile plastered on your face, you walked up towards where your cybertronian boyfriend was seated at. Who was looking at the random movie he picked out questionly.

"Hey Bee which movie did you choosed?" You asked as you looked up at the screen the movie was already playing. Bee made some whirl noises before shrugging again.

"Oh so you just picked something randomly?" He nodded at your question, as you 'oh.'

"Welp mkay then! We'll find out together!" You said cheerfully, as you climbed onto his lap. Bee made some cheerful whirls at your own light hearted moment as we was happy to spend his time with you. Especially with a mood like this.

But boy were they wrong!

Little did both innocent cinnamon rolls realized. This movie wasn't innocent. No. No no no. Written by book, and now turned movie. The title mention grey, with fifty who knows what. It was too late for you to realized what this movie was, until the tension and awkwardness in the room, the movie was causing, grew, as everything connected. And that's when the sex scene showed up. Your face in a mad red of a blush. You could hear the distant sounds of fans kicking in. You two didn't know what to do as the scene seemed to drag on. Finally deciding enough was enough (Because you just weren't ready to watch -nor read- this movie/book) you coughed and stood up. Quickly were you too run up to your laptop, and pause the movie before it can continue any longer. A small sigh was released as you could feel the awkwardness in the air. It was heated with it in both ways.

"Um....that wasn't part of the plan." You nervously laughed as you got up and turned to look at Bee. Thought it confused you as your (E/C) eyes were set on a weird bulge, on his interfacing plate...wait.

"Um...Bee? What...what is..you know.." You already knew, but you wanted to conferment it was true. It couldn't be. Not to your sweet Bee. You two were....well not really but from a situation like this, you two noobs were. Thought he didn't answer, as he continued to stare at your now shaking form with those big blue optics. You gulped, as you found yourself now closer to the bot. Sure you were confused by his actions. He always replied. But the way he was now.

"Bee...did you....do you need help?" You said not thinking at all, as you pointed at the now very noticeable bulge. You two were surprised by the words you had spoken. But yet, here you two were not being yourselves. Strange as it was you both were like puppets by now. With strings pulling as he didn't responded, you walked up to him. You saw him tensed up, but he did nothing to stop you. He couldn't. He was frozen in place as he stared at you. You weren't sure yourself either what you were doing as your (E/C) eyes were glued onto the bulge. Breathing out through your nose,  your arms came. Hands hovering over the plating. You dared glanced up, but you did as you looked up and saw those blue lust laced optics of the yellow mech. Gulping you adverted your gaze back to the plating, and with a last doubt of your actions, you placed your hands firmly on the plating.

"Better get this treated before you go back to base." You were surprised at how strong your voice was as you spoke up. Hesitating, Bee slowly - but gladly - took off his interface plating, his turned on friend springing up to greet you. With (E/C) eyes widen at the sight of how huge his spike was, did you felt tingly between your legs. Licking your lips, your hands met with sensitive metal piece, as Bee cluntched his servos at the touch. Oh how he wanted more, then just a simple touch.

A grin growing, you gently stroke the twitching spike underneath your soft (S/C) hands. The sounds of fans were kicking in hard, as your hands explored the metal member. A dark fluid started to seep out from the head of the spike, as it looked like energon. But thicker and darker in color. 'It must be the pre cum'  You thought to yourself. The grin ever growing into a smirk as Bee watched you for your next pleasuring move.

Taking a better hold of it, you slowly licked off the said pre fluids, as you looked up making eye contact with the mech. He shuddered underneath your touch, as his breathing hitched. Licking off the fluids and leaving it clean, you adverted your gaze back to the twitching member and breathed in and out slowly processing this. The taste. The taste wasn't sweet. But bitter. Not like a lemon no. But bitter. Slowly did a thought came into mind. Logically enough you weren't even sure you could fit that thing in your mouth. But it was worth a try wasn't it.

"I'm sorry bee if i'm not doing so good in giving you a blowjob." You said before literally stuffing your mouth into it. He squirmed at the new sensation as you put much of him into your mouth as you cane. And with the other exposed metal, did your hands came up to the sides of it.

A few moments passed, as the two of you stayed in the same position not making any moves. Slowly, did you started bobbing your head up and down, following your movement was your hands traveling up and down at the side of his spike, as your pace quicken. His fans kicking in harder and faster at the intensity of this pleasure you could of given up, as you continued gaining faster in past.

Grunts and low whirls were heard in the room. The air laced in warmth of the actions. The mech coming to a close. And you, the little female trying not to gag. And not to long that he overloaded into your mouth suddenly. The bitter dark fluid being swallowed, as you licked him clean. Finally did you let go with heavy pants. The same fluid dripping from the corners of your mouth, and his now limped spike just laying there. You too were just laying there tiredly as both of you tried catching their breaths. A few moments passing by as the two of you calmed. You were suddenly picked up from the ground, and into his gently hold as you looked up tiredly into his blue optics.

"Thank you.....love." He said using the radio before softly nuzzling your head his cheek and placing you on top his chasis. Where you could feel the warmth and the calming beating of his spark. (E/C) eyes drifting into a closing. A tired smile was laced on your lips before replying.

"Anything for you...my sweet honey bee.."

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