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Requested by: StargazerPrime, BelleLaAurore, and ErnestinaBorrego a half finished, suppose to be lemon, but never got to finish so just preview???

"Got 'em!" You yelled out in victory, as you fist pumped the air with your gun. A huge grin was stuck onto your faceplates. Why the sudden happiness. Well you just beaten your record on shooting all the objects in a difficult distance away from you. And damn were you just happy. Always hyper never ceased to stop you to calm down. I mean. How could you?

"You get excited way to quickly." A sudden voice brought your attention as you turned around to face the mech who spoke.

"Well duh I just beated my own record. Why wouldn't I get excited?" You asked Crosshairs, with a snear of a smile. Your ego showing as you proudly stood in a stance. He just rolled his blue optics with a growing grin.

"So what's up?" You asked wondering why he came to a stop by here.

"Just to tell you, meet me at midnight there." He said as he pointed towards the direction. You raised a optic ridge at this wondering why. Turning back to face the mech to ask a question. He wasn't there anymore.

"Better be something good..."

And indeed it was worth it

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And indeed it was worth it.

Hello people! Iḿ just putting this out there hence i wrought a bit. Though i will also like to say a new story is coming up! Itś more then one. And one of them is a another transformers lemon >:3
Because iḿ it has been a while since i started to write, and i know i left you all out there like that on the last chapter...the megatron suppose to be lemon chapter. Though iḿ still thinking on what kind of x reader is going to be. 
Will it involve with robots: yes
Have i figured it out yet: Nope.
Now i have to think about it deeply, so iĺl see you all in the future! 

Various Transformers x Readers (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now