IronhideXleopard reader

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Request by: sun_wave a fluff female reader insert.

Grunting Ironhide shook his helm at Lennox.

"No i'm not going to do it."

"Come on Hide. I thought you were a big tough bot." Ironhide grunted at Lennox's smart remark. He's had this little school girl crush on you ever since he set optics on you. And now as you two grew closer together. He just wanted wanted to tell you how he feels for you. But he just couldn't bring himself to say it. So now he was stuck here with Lennox now knowing of his secret crush on you. (F/N) (L/N).

"This is different Lennox and you know it."

"Calm down big guy." Lennox said raising his hands up in defense. Ironhide sighed and crossed his arms.

"Hey you guys!" You greeted calling on both Lennox and Ironhide with a wide smile. Your leopard tail swishing side by side and your rounded leopard ears perked up. Lennox sended you a nod of a greeting, as he smiled. While Ironhide. Some fans were kicking pretty hard right now.

"Hey Ironhide, what's up?" You asked up at your crush. You hid it pretty well. To well in fact welp. No one ever gives it a second think about. Ironhide jumped slightly seeming he got started, bringing you to title your head in confusion, knowing something is up.

"Is anything wrong?" You asked concerned for your best friend as you placed both hands on top his pede, and looked up at him. But when he didn't spoke you looked over at Lennox who simply shrugged.

"I think Ironhide wants to tell you something." Lennox said as he glanced over at the stubborn bot. Ironhide gaved him a death glare but it was to late.

"What do you want to say Ironhide?" You spoke wanting to find out. He gulped as he looked anywhere but you as he slowly spoke, having no choice.

"(Y/N) will you.....will you..go on a date with me?" He stammered. Your ears went up, surprised. You soon broke down into a fit of giggles and nodded.

"Sure thing Hide! How six?"

"Sounds good to me.."

"Great will see you then. See ya guys!" You waved off, as you ran off to find something good to wear.

"See it wasn't that hard."

"I hate you." Lennox chuckled as he pat his friends shoulder and stood up to leave. "Good luck with your date."

"Yea yea...."

Later on that day six o'clock finally came around. And here you were. Waiting for ironhide as you stood there, with curly hair down, a sun hat to keep the sun out of your (E/C) eyes. A pair of white sandles, a light yellow sundress, and your bag. You usually didn't wear these kind of stuff. But it was a hot day out and it was the occasion of a date. You decided to try something new. Finally coming around you see Ironhide in his alt. The passenger door opening as he stoped in front of you. Quickly climbing on you were met with the cool leathered seats, you sat on as the air conditioner was on. The door closing behind you and the seatbelt coming over you and climbing on. You glanced up ahead of you excited.

"Hey Hide. So where are we going for our date?"

"You'll see.." He stated as he started to drive off. Moments had passed as you sat, staring off at the window with that smile of yours never leaving. Finally arving to an open field. Stepping out from Ironhide (My god that sounded wrong) you took in your surroundings, feeling the gentle summer breeze on your exposed skin. It was beautiful.

"Wow Ironhide. This place is so......relaxing." You said couldn't think of any words properly to explained how amazing this was to you.

"Well....glad you like it." Ironhide said nervously. Looking around you catch sight of where a lone tree was in the middle of a wide clearly. And if you squinted your (E/C) eyes you could see something like.

"Were having a picnic as a date?" You asked looking up at Ironhide.

"Oh sorry, I should of asked you first, if you don't like it-"

"Ironhide it's alright. I love picnics." You smiled reassuring up at Ironhide. He looked away from his sudden out burst as he felt embarrassed, glancing down. You found him cute. Always stammering and looking awkward. It was adorable, specially because he usual is a strong mech.

"Well come on Hide, lets go!" You exclaimed excited. Ironhide finding himself smiling once more held out a servo, in which you climbed on top of. And both you and Ironhide made your way to where the picnic was set. Was your own two feet landing on solid ground once more you took a seat on the blanket, and looked up towards Ironhide, who took a seat as close to you as possible. On the grass.

"Ironhide what are you going to eat." You asked realizing the basket full of goodies.

"Don't worry, I got that covered." He reassure as out of no where he had a huge cube of energon. You nodded simply not going to question where it had came from as you take a look inside the picnic basket. Finding various of foods, it made your mouth water, as you brung out the first thing your hands got a hold on.

"Ironhide. Thank you for spending your time and preparing for all this. It means a lot." You said smiling up at the flustered Ironhide.

"Y-your welcome (Y/N)." He stammered once again. You giggled at how cute he is and took a bite of your watermelon. The two of you talked on your days, as the sun was setting down. You were laying onto Ironhide's chest, as he was laying down on the grass. Happy to have you so close to his spark.

"hey hide."

"Hm." he responded knowing that he was listening to you.

"Your such a good friend." He flinched under those words as you spoken them. Has what Lennox says 'been friend zoned?' It was no or never.

"(Y/N) there's been something I've been meaning to tell you.."

"Yes?" You asked looked up at ironhide from where you layed on youre belly on top of his chest. He grown nervous all over again as his cooling fans started up.

"(Y/N) ever since we met. I couldn't help myself fall for you....and it just grew, when we talked. Hanging out and everything we had. I've grown jealous seeing you with other mech and men. And always feel over protective of your safety. Look.....(Y/N) what i'm trying to say is...."

"I love you." You both spoke at the same time. Staring at eachs blue optics and (E/C) eyes. You both fell into a loving trance. Smiling you leaned into him. And slowly. You placed your soft lips on top his cold hard ones. Lingering there for a moment. You pulled back and shyly looked up at Ironhide, blushing.

"So....what does that make us?" You asked as you layed back down in the same position you were in.

"Does the human term 'boyfriend and girlfriend' satisfieds you?" You giggled and nodded.

"Yes. Yes it does Hide." Chuckling he softly kissed the top of your head.

"I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Ironhide."

Of in the distance they haven't realized they have been watched.

"You finally did it Hide. You finally grown." Lennox spoke proudly, lowering his telescope. bumblebee cheered as Sam was questioning all this.

"So. Why the hell are we spying them again?"

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