It Is I, With News

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Well hello my fellow sinners. It's so nice to talk to you all once again. You're Queen is back to take her thrown and begin a new era of transformer one-shots!
Let us rise together and join me in this new journey I created! It is called a Yandre Transformers x reader in which I just uploaded.
And all I need now is,




While this history was great at it's glory back at its golden age. It is time for a new story to take it's place and be the one we deserve! So please go ahead and check it out if you wish. All my appreciation goes to you dearly readers. As this would of not happened if it weren't for the explosion of this story.


Thank you

Link to the story:

Update: Should of probably mention you should make your request at the new story .-.


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Various Transformers x Readers (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now