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Requested by: LastLiveAlive a neutral random reader insert. I needed to do more of my research so my bad for the longer wait in Summer. And hence I couldn't find the correct name for Optimus for SG, I used Orion Pax for this one so sorry for the one's who actually know him (I'm sure it's Nova Prime tho...but tf wiki..) And Megatron known as Megatronus

You panted, as you ran for your life for the 100th time

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You panted, as you ran for your life for the 100th time. It just keeps going on and on. Getting stranger and stranger every time. And this time. You were being chased by the enemy. The so called autobots who ran about in this world. Your world. Your home. By the decepticons who tried fighting against their sadistic evil cluntches. And that's how you came to the picture.

Not long ago, you stumble upon a very brightly colored bot in the middle of hiking one day. And that's how the whole story sets. You along side 'partner' Soundwave, were well basically the best. Always bringing life to the crew when everyone was down to the lost of the autobot's victory. Quite a uproar. But isn't that fun?

Well right now wasn't fun. Unless you called being chased by the great trouble himself. Orion Pax. The sadistic tyranny of the evil autobots. was And tiring. And terrifying. You couldn't tell if he was a horrible Yandre of sorts for the history between the two of you. Or he just really wants to crush the decepticon's spark by your death by him.

Either who.

You weren't there to figure that out.

So you ran. Ran and ran until your muscles, your lungs, your god damn mind were telling you to stop. But you wouldn't. You couldn't. You didn't wanted to find out what he would do if you stopped.

"Oh (Y/N)~ Why run. It's useless!" You heard his voice echo. He was close. And that terrified you to hell and back. Gasping in and out for needed air, you tiredly continued. Oh you just hoped the decepticons came here soon.

You hoped Soundwave was there to wave you in time.

Reaching up to a riverbank, you collapsed to the ground, having no more energy to continue. would be fine right? Coming in shaky breaths, you could feel yourself shake. Shaking you shooked the ground as well. Or was that you? (E/C) eyes widening, your skin ran cold as a shiver ran down your spin. There was no time, as you turned around and was met up face to face with him. The terror. The-

"Thought you could hide from me, the great Orion Pax?" He chuckled finding you amusing. You quickly shook your head, (H/C) locks of hair flying in your way of vision. With the bot taking one step closer, you scooted yourself away. Thought it was no use. You reached the end of your line as you felt the cold rushing water.

"No where to escape my little (Y/N)~ We'll- I will make great use of you if you just joined us....join me." You sent a death feeling smirk, as slowly he reached down to grap a hold of you. 'This is it' You thought. In a sudden instant thought.

Optimus was flung aside to what looks like to be by the cause of a white appendage. And out from the shadows. Out stepped out your white in shining armor.

"Soundwave!" You called relief by the sight of the white mech. His blank face looked your way, before a smiley face popped up on his visor.

"You fool. Dare to make a move on me? You will regret ever coming face with me." Orion Pax growled in rage by just the passing event.

"I sure wouldn't regret saving my partner from you brute." Was Soundwave response as he turned to face the superior mech. With a devilish snarl Orion charged. Soundwave had the upper hand at this by his speed, as he managed to move out of the way and use one of his appendage to trip him over. Only for he to catch it in his deathing grip. And throw Soundwave aside.

"Soundwave!" You cried out worriedly. You were just a meek human. What could you possibly do against a giant alien robot? Nothing. And that pained you that you couldn't help out your friend. With a grunt Soundwave stood quickly to dodge a inch away from meeting Orion's fist. In quick action Soundwave took a hold of his arm and thrown him aside.

It was an on going battle. And Soundwave was quickly losing. You had to do something. And what you did was risking. But it was an only choice to think of in time.

"Hey Orion! Why are you wasting your time on him!" You called out to bring the mech's attention. In which you had successfully as he glanced over his shoulder to catch your form retreating. 'No!' Orion thought as he made a move to go after your form. Only to get his legs from under him swept up, and land on the ground. Glancing up just in time to catch one of Soundwave's fist. He thrown him aside once again, before getting up and running after you.

He wouldn't let you go so easily.

And neither would Soundwave.

Running off once again for your 101th time. And with the rest you had, you were off to a good pace. For now. Maybe....maybe for now wasn't going to last long. Why? The ground started shaking by the heavy pede steps. Gaining speed. Getting closer and closer. And just like that, you were suddenly lifted up and into the air as your (E/C) eyes met with his crimson red optics. He held a smirk of victory as he finally had you within his grasp.

"Thought you could get away from me so easily?" Orion cockly asked.

"You know dude. You talk way more then my mix tapes." Someone responded. And before any one of us knew it. A punch to the face clashed into the mech's faceplate. Dropping you in the process only to be caught quickly by one of Soundwave's appendages.

"I got you dude." Soundwave responded happily as he brung you to optic level with him. You smiled, as you clumsily hugged his visor.

"I knew you would come for me. Thank you." You smiled. Thought of course this wouldn't last for long.

"That's it. I'm not going easy on you!" Orion snarled, as He took one step forward towards you two.

"I think so not, Orion Pax." Someone's smooth but nicely deep voice responded in vemon. As the ruler of the decepticons stepped fourth from behind the autobot leader. More bots coming from the groundbridge from within the shadows, as they held their gun point towards the black mech. Orion looked side to side, he was clearly out numbered. And with a growl, he had to retreat shamefully.

"This isn't the end, and you all know it." Orion spat, before transforming and speeding off.

"Thank you all guys.." You spoke, breaking the little silence as you smiled your way towards the other bots. In which they all happily returned the smile, glad that your safe.

"We're just glad your alright." Megatronus answered with a little warm smile.

"And for that. We're partying!" Soundwave spoke in both happily and excitedly. Which brought everyone to chuckle at his bouncy reaction.

"Sure. Why not."

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