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Requested by: Wolves-of-the-moon A lemon female reader insert. In this case you are a human :3 and your role-playing heheh *wink wink*

Giggling softly, you quickly pranced to Bumblebee's room. Upon entering you took note Bee wasn't here yet, so you grinned. This was going to be a fun night. The rest of the autobot team were forced to hang outside for a day, and so with that, that meant you get to hangout with Bee. And no one will be in the base to hear the commotion.

Or see the ridiculously idea you two had. And that idea the two of you thought of was dressing up for some roleplaying. Oh yes what fun will it be. Thought there is different meanings to the term fun, so you guessed you'll need to figure out which one will it be tonight.

Though you question how Bee will dress up. There was nothing close to the mech's size. But he said he had a plan. And whatever that is you decided not to question it, and look for a surprise. Or miracle.

Sitting on top of Bee's berth you manged to get on (two hours exact) with your slutty prisoner outfit for the night it's been a while since you heard from anyone and Bee. And you were starting to get very impenitent about it. Sighing to yourself, a noise of metal hitting metal as someone ran towards the direction you are in brought your attention. And upon showing up in front of the huge doors were the yellow mech himself. In a....outfit?

"Whoa Bee your finally here! And um....where you get that?" You asked pointing to you police uniform you took note. The suit looked like it was made of fabric with added props here in there like the hat, and the belt. You don't know how someone cold make this, but the more you stared a blush started to stain your cheeks as the room felt a little warm now.

"God your sexy..." You whispered out your thought for Bee to beep in questioning on what you said.

"Oh Bee!" You said suddenly realizing what you said. But for the good part he didn't seem to noticed what you compliment of  him, but for the bad part while you were staring you haven't realized he been speaking. If you want to call it that.....

"Sorry Bee, I was in....I was in my own little world while you were speaking." Bee responded with whirls and beeps in a seeming apology accepted. You smiled at his response.

"Great! So um.....I like your outfit." You said and he went into a frenzy of whirls and beeps as he responded very positive to you. You giggled at his act as you found this cute despite the situation he's unaware of. After the two of you called down, you had no idea how to continue on with this plan now that you two showed up and were both dressed up.

"So.....what now?" You asked as you turn to look at Bee. Only to jump up startled seeing how close Bee had gotten. Bee beeped a apology before you offered a smile.

"It's alright Bee I know you didn't mean it..." You said as Bee nodded. Awkward air fell upon the both of you as you two started to stare into each other's orbs. You coughed as you broke contact.

"Hey it's roleplaying, so let's get to the roleplaying." You grinned, as you gotten up, and started the process of the game.

Time went flying by, the two of you laughing and giggling. Chasing one another around the base. And finally, both your laughter's dyeing off. In the room once again where you were from the beginning, you were in Bee's grip as he had finally caught you.

"Oh no, curse you officer!" You yelled out, a large grin plaster on your face, as Bee was chanting how he was 'the town's hero.'

"Oh well I've been caught." You sighed. "What sort of punishment does a low life criminal like me will get~?" You questioned, a grin catching up to a sly smirk as Bee stopped processing this. It took him so time to fully understand what you were getting at, as he stared down at you with wide optics. His fans kicking in as he tried cooling himself. Laughing at his reaction, you covered up your mouth to muffle the laughter.

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