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Requested by: Claudy1525 a fluff neutral reader insert :3 and I just realized how many neko's there are lol

You purred happily as you were being petted, by no other then Thunderhoof. As you like to call him. Your savor, master. He saved you from death and you owe him much for that as you happily stood by his side, and became more of a pet to him. As that seemed like the only useful thing as Steeljaw and his pack would say.You simply bared your fanged teeth at them and hiss.

Yep. But that didn't matter at the moment. You were going to enjoy this as long as you can. His large digit petting over your smooth (H/C) hair and ears, as you were seated down on his lap, and purr away. As you leaned into his touch. The moment soon got interrupted as someone called out.

You heard a sigh and the feeling was gone, as you looked up towards your master and titled your head to the side.

"Ya ya i'm Comin'. (Y/N) yous stay here till I come back." Thunderhoof ordered as he held out a servo for you to climb on. Obeying orders you climbed on top his servo, disappointed this all had to end so soon. Getting up Thunderhoof carried you towards where everyone was gathered up, with Steeljaw in the lead as always.

"Thunderhoof. Is finally nice to come join us." Thunderhoof simply snickered at Steeljaw's remark, as he set you down on some crates.

"Well what's this all 'bout?" Thunderhoof spoke not liking how everything suddenly gone quite. As they started to speak once more about a certain mission. You glanced around, feeling. Something didn't felt right. And boy were you right when you caught Clampdown staring at you. You raised a brow in question as, he just wouldn't stop looking at you. And that brought discomfort as you shifted there awkwardly under the gaze of him. Tail flicking nervously. Thank god that it all ended quickly as Thunderhoof was in front of your view once more. Smiling up towards him, you titled your head to the side wondering if we could continue from where you two left off.

"Sorry 'bout that kitty. Think yous can stay alone until I come back from a mission?" Thunderhoof asked softly as he rubbed his digit over your head. You grabbed a hold of his digit, and hugged him. Well his digit as you looked up at him, giving the best puppy eyes you could muster. Thunderhoof sighed and looked away not giving in, to you in front of the other meches.

"Hey i'll make it up to yous, how 'bout that?" Your ears quickly perked up, and you nodded frantically. A large smile making it's way onto your expression. Thunderhoof chuckled lightly, as you nuzzled you head against his digit before letting go.

"Stay out of trouble."

"You got it!" You happily responded as he made his way with his awaiting comrades. Transforming into his alt he along with the others made there way to who knows where. You looked out from where you were still seated on the crates until you couldn't see the sight of your lovely master any more. Sighing you closed your (E/C) eyes and layed down.

"You should keep your guard up." Someone spoke and before you can react, you been harshly picked up. Struggling in it's grasp. You looked up to see.

"Clamdown? What are you doing!" You demanded a answer right away, as he started to do his weirdly walks towards to the outside and away from the base. You paniced wonder what was going on. But that didn't matter. You need to get out of this retched crap's grip.

"Let me go!"

"If you keep struggling I could easily squish you with these bad boys!" He gloated, showing off with his free clawed servo. Seeing how you were just a mere neko. You couldn't do nothing against his metallic crap claws. Watching the scenario go on passing by, as time fly by. He finally stopped and dropped you, not too gently to the ground but at least low enough that you won't break any bones. You were in a unknown place, you haven't seen before. Bringing you more into a furious question. With (E/C) Ears pulled back you looked up and narrow your (E/C) eyes at the crab robot.

"Why did you brought me here for?" You questioned.

"I made a deal with Steeljaw. If I brought you here, and left you to rust-er if you even do that. I will get praised, and deserve all the attention I want once we concour this planet." He responded proudly. You scowled at him and stood up.

"You won't get away from this! Once Thund-"

"He's not, going to find out. We'll simply use an good acuse."

"What happens he doesn't believe it hmm?"

"Oh no. He will." He cackled, as he made himself leave, leaving you behind.

"Just you watch Thunderhoof won't believe you and will come back for me!" You shouted after the ediot of a crap. Not sure if he heard you or not but you didn't care if he did. You just hoped you were right.

The sun was beginning to set. And there you were. Sniffling, as you layed huddled up against tree. Your long, sleek (T/C) tail wrapped around your form as your ears were lowered sadly. You had hoped he would of come anytime soon. But. It was getting close to dark you doubted it now that he will ever come back for you. Some rustling was heard bringing you back up to be on defend, as ears perked alerted. Tail slowly swishing on the soft ground as you were crouched. Silently you were, as you payed close attention to the source. Backing back once you hissed at the direction only to get startled when a big black tree came out of no where in front of you. But it wasn't any old black tree. Tree's aren't even black if they are burned of course. Looking up you broke into a wide smile, seeing your beloved master.

"Thunderhoof!" You cried out happily as you attacked his hoofed pede. Hugging it the best you could.

"(Y/N) there yous are! Where on pits have yous been?" Thunderhoof asked, gently picking you up. You couldn't help but feel so relief he came back for you, tears started to form.

"Clampdown decided to leave me here to die." You responded. Anger grew in Thunderhoof's optics you could clearly see it. But once he looked back over to you, with your small hand on his side of his faceplate. His gaze soften up.

"I thought I lost yous.." He quietly said. You managed to pick up what he said, as a dusted blush formed. Hoping he couldn't see how these words made her have butterflies in her stomach. You purred softly and rubbed your head against his cheek. You couldn't see it. But his cooling fans kicked in as a small blush formed on Thunderhoofs faceplate.

"I'm not that easy to lose." You chuckled as you sat back down once again and stared up at him. You both just simply stared into each others orbs. Not caring for what was going around, as you two seemed to be getting closer and closer. Until. Thunderhoof gently. Carefully. Kissed you. Surprise that you were. The blushed you had grew, as he lingered there for a moment before pulling back. You both just stared at each awkwardly now as your cat ears picked up the sound of fans, going in high speed.

"(Y/N) Sorry-" Before you could let him finish his sentence you kissed back. Your lips place atop his as you happily shared the same feelings for him. You pulled back slowly later and looked back up at him shyly.

"I love you too Hoof."

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