SteeljawXhalf wolf-reader

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Requested by: ErnestinaBorrego a lemon female reader insert *Wiggles eyebrows* Steeljaw in this is the same size as a human male but taller I say 8-9? Wow isn't he a big boy if you know what I mean hehehehe XD

It was getting late. Too late for your liking. The cold wind touching your exposed skin. Your fluffly (T/C) wolf tail were between your legs. And your pointy ears were lowered as another gust of wind blew right in front of your face making you shiver. It wasn't easy living like this. Having to pretend your tail and ears were just some part of your costume when you went out. But once people found out. They weren't fake wolf parts. Everything goes in chaos forcing you to runaway again and find a new town to stay in before it happens all over again. And here you were. You normally didn't stay in Cities but it was the only option you had. The light sweater you had wasn't helping you keep away from the cold as you continued you journey.

"Hello little girl." A voice said coming out of no where. Looking around wondering who it came from. Out from the shadows of the alley came a man you thought. 'My what a pointy hat' you thought.

"Someone pretty as you shouldn't be out in the cold like this." He. It sounded like a he. He spoke, his voice low and smooth, probably making any women swoon over him.

"Who are you..?" You hesitated.

"Ah. My apologies. They call me Steeljaw." Steeljaw spoke, and if you could see his face you could just picture him smirking. 'Steeljaw. What a strange name.'

"And what is your name love~?" His words made you shiver. You didn't know if it was just from that or the cold wind, but. You were to navie to notice.

"I'm (F/N) (L/N)."

"(Y/N).....what a beautiful name." The way he spoke out your name was just fluttering. He liked how your name rolled out on his glossa.

(Y/N), if may I ask. What are you doing here? It's dark out and cold. And I don't know if your new here's very dangerous out here in the dark." He slowly spoke advancing towards you slowly. Your ears flattened against your head, as you slowly backed away from the shadows of where the man was.

"Don't worry love. I won't bring you any harm. How about we head to my place, and get you warmed up?" He suggested. You shook your head having your fair share of dangers.

"N-no thank you sir. I must get going." You quickly spoke, making a leave. But before you could run off a grip made it's way on your wrist and you were pulled back. Trying to scream out help. Your mouth was covered with someones....very cold...metal hands?

"Hmm how about no." Finally stepping into the light with you in arms. You gasped as your (E/C) eyes widen at the sight. He was no man. You didn't even know what it was. You could only tell he looked like some sort of robotic wolf that can stand up like a normal human. He was wearing black hat with a furry black coat. And for some reason, you just couldn't stop looking over at him. The last thing you saw was his golden orbs staring into your (E/C) eyes, before darkness took over.

You groaned as you awoke from your state. Blinking your eyes multiple of times, you glanced around your surroundings. You were in some cabin as much as you could tell. You looked at yourself. You weren't tied up or anything. Then you remembered. That robot. Or wolf. Or what ever he was. You needed to get out of here.

"Ah (Y/N) you finally woked up." The same voice as before answered. Looking up you found Steeljaw no longer in his coat and hat as he showed himself off. This blue grey armor shining against the reflecting light of the cabin. His long tail swishing side by side at his feet. And his ears at high alert.

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