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Requested by: PhoniexFire1369 a female lemon reader insert

You licked your muzzle, as you were layed out on the ground of the Nemisis ship. You were a build of the scientist Shockwave here in Cybertron. Your programming only to protect and offline those who your creator commands them to be with the allspark. But with the time passing by here where you were kept. You learned to feel. To learn emotions. To learn to love and cry. And to transform. Yes you were quite the happy Cybertronian wolf. With your sleek (F/C) paintjob, shining off against the room's light. You recharged lighty. Audio receptor wolf like ears perked to the increasing sound of your master's pedesteps, along with a few others you questioned.

Lifting your helm up, as the sliding doors open to see Master and some other bots. Tilting your helm at the new guest, one peculiar bot caught your (O/C) optics. Upon the group of a bucket head, and something with wings, the blue masked bot creased your interest.

"And this is my newest creation, (Y/N) come." Shockwave ordered, quickly obeying you stood and walked to your Master's side. Tensed you were for reasons. You sniffed the air, smelling each indivigial from the distance you stood at.

"Finally got lonely, and built a mutt? Ha what shock." The thing with wings spoke. Your ears flattening against your side of the helm for his horrible screeching noises of him offending your Master.

"(Y/N)." Master glanced at your direction. Meeting with each other's optics you knew his orders just by looks. Looking back at the screeching mech, you growled as you inched closer.

"H-hey why are you growling!?" The screeching wings spoke, the hint of fear you could hear coming from the mech. Tail swishing, as you stalked forward towards backing up mech. The other two bots stepping away and watching as you proceed.

"Shockwave control your mutt!" And that's when you snapped. Barking out a harsh snarl, you pounced to the screeching mech as you landed on his chasis. Falling backwards in the process, he struggled to keep your jaws away from his faceplate, as you snapped inches away from his faceplate.

"(Y/N) enough." And just as it happened, you whined and jumped off the shaking. You were the one to finish a job. And leaving this mech alive downed your day. But what could be worst? Trotting back to your Master's side, you could feel his servo placing it atop of your helm as slowly you wagged your tail at your victim's reactions.

"Megatron that beast nearly killed me! Aren't you going to say anything!?" The mech screeched, as he stood up.

"Silence before that beast does tear you up." The so called Megatron spat before turning to his scientist with you at his side. Oh were you in for a treat now.

The sounds of pedes hitting the metal ground, grew closer and closer as you walked around the corner in search of this stranger's steps

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The sounds of pedes hitting the metal ground, grew closer and closer as you walked around the corner in search of this stranger's steps. You were surprised to hear the three bots would be staying here for quite a bit. And with you finally knowing their names, you didn't have to call them by the little nicknames you had given them.

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