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Requested by: sun_wave a lemon female insert. Ok open notes, this will probabaly be the last one for a few weeks hence i'm starting school again on a Tuesday so yea that sucks.....But other then that Reader here is a Cybertronian and that's all you need to know so see you (Idk when but just see you)

Leaning against the autobot's base walls, with arms crossed, and one leg probed up. Today was a vist from a mech you, yourself haven't seen for quite some time since Cybertron. Wheeljack that ol' wrecker was coming to vist. Again. You weren't there the first time he came to vist. But other then that, that didn't matter to you. At least you were given the chance to catch up with him once again.

"I can't wait to introduce you, to Wheeljack (Y/N)!" Miko exclaimed excited. Chuckling as to she had no idea about you already had met him kinda thing. But. He could of forgotten you. 'Hopefully not.'

"Alright Miko, what ever you say." You grinned as Miko rumbled on about how this will be an awesome group of four and such. With time finally did the talk of the town, Wheeljack showed up. You were excited yes, but also nervous. You haven't seen him from such a long time you have no idea what changed and what didn't. And well.....you had what the humans call it, 'a stupid school girls crush.' But with the passing eons it seemed to just...fade.

"Hey bulks, Miko, nice seeing you again." Wheeljack grinned, going up to them first after his coming. You didn't knew if you should go up, or he should once he noticed. And this was driving you insane. 'So I do still have that little crush huh (Y/N?'

"Hey Jackie, I wanna introduce you to our other friend, (Y/N)." Miko said excitedly, and apound your name being called you snapped your helm towards where they stood. A very excited Miko, a smiling Bulkhead, and what seemed a surprised Wheeljack. But that soon left when.

"(Y/N) is that you? I haven't seen you since you left Cybertron." You grinned and stood up to your full height before walking over to the little group.

"I was wondering if you remembered me or not. It's good seeing you again." You offered a servo, in which to took.

"Wait you guys met already?"

"Sorry Miko, didn't want to disappoint you."

"Nah it's ok. It even more better!" You chuckled at Miko's reaction after you got your servo back.

"So how's space?" You asked decideding to strike up conversation.

"Is that what you literally ask me first after we haven't seen each other for eons." Wheeljack spoke. You simply shrugged in reply.

"What else was I going to say?" You asked with a growing grin. Seeing you won this conversation, your grin turned into a smirk and started walking off.

"I'll catch up with you guys later, see you then." You excite yourself out, making sure to move your hips, side by side when you walked off.

"She hasn't changed at all."

Later on that night, where the humans were now at home, with their guardians. It only left Optimus, Rachet, Wheeljack, and you. And you, yourself. Was walking down the hall way towards your room, after you came back from a needed drive in the dark. What didn't surprise you was you bumped into a chest causing you to stumble backwards.

"My bad." You quickly said looking up only to be met up with a scared grin.

"It's alright sunshine. Where were you?" Wheeljack asked. Regaing back to yourself you smiled and begin to walk to where you were heading.

Various Transformers x Readers (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now