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Requested by: @LHongChu a random neutral reader insert. Warning if you don't like sad stories with Screamer then my bad..

Edit: I fixed some grammar errors because it bothers me, younger me had a stroke or something while writing stories. Wanted to just delete the whole thing and rewrite everything but do you know how fackin' lazy i am?

The sound of crows, crowing as they escaped from the startled noise. Your feet pounding against the Earth's ground, as you gasped in and out for the cold morning air. Your legs aching, your feet sore, your chest hurting, your head spinning, and your sides cramping up. But you wouldn't give up. You couldn't give up. With the Earth shaking with every step the metal giant took. A low cackle whispered its way down your spine, a shiver of fear. Your eyes widen, he was so close. You pushed yourself up into a sprint as you heard the sound of metal against metal shifting.

You knew that sound all to well. A gush of wind blew from behind you, making you trip and fall flat onto your face. Looking up, breathing became even more difficult, a silver jet flew close to the ground, making a U-term to come back towards you. Screaming you got up quickly and started running off once more. As much as your muscles were telling you to stop. And face this fate. You wouldn't allow that. While you were still alive you were going to make the most of it.

"You can't run forever." A screeching voice echoed throughout the forest, determining you to take a sprint faster then before. As the voice was so close yet so far. It frighten you. And you wouldn't dare look up. You paused for air, you couldn't keep up like this. You felt like falling and giving up. Take in the last breath. But you wouldn't allow yourself a easy go. The silver jet had disappeared. Huffing and puffing, you leaned against the pole of which the abandoned road owned, supporting your weight. You felt the warm tears starting to swell up. But you wouldn't let go so easily. Easily.....this was to easy. Slowly, raising your head up you realized how easy you managed to escape him. It bothered you. You fucked up. It was too late to realize as the same, cold, chuckle was heard from behind you. A shadowed cast over you, it was the alien itself, with his blood red blazing optics staring into your very soul. Shaking your head, your (H/L) (E/C) hair flying, you made a turn to start off running once more. Only to be picked up by the mid second. And up you were, tightly held, almost suffocating you. But, you still managed to breath.

"Disgusting human. Think you could run away from the great leader of the decepticons after what you had done? You are very....VERY wrong." He growled as his optics narrowed at your shaking form.

"N-n-no Lord S-Starscream, please! I had nothing to do with it!" You cried out. You weren't usually the one to give in so easily. But after what happened. All of that....leading you to finally broke down. Tears were starting to fall to the amount of fear of what he is capable of. He smirked, he loved the fear he caused within you, but something was pulling at his spark. He didn't like it. And to get rid of it.

  He had to remove you.

Chuckling he brought you near his faceplate, only inches apart. You can make out all the details from where you were. The battle scars, the hidden dents. All of Starscream's glory. But of what cost?

"You could of probably lived by the next day if you haven't done that. But now you pushed it to far..." His voice was dangerously calm as he spoke. A cold shiver ran down your back as you stared up.

"P-please Starscream.....don't you believe me?" You fight off a sob as you shakily spoke. He seem to break there in a split moment. But as quick as it appeared, it was gone in a instant.

"I thought I believed you. But I was wronged. I knew I shouldn't believe a human such like yourself." He spat. Transforming around you, you landed in the seats of his cockpit. The belt came over you and strapping you in tightly. You struggled to get rid of it. Kicking and screaming as he took off. He growled a warning but you couldn't hear him as you struggle to escape.

"Silence already!" You froze. The tone of volume surprising you. Shaking you calmed your actions and leaned into the soft cushion. Looking at the ground with (H/C) hair covering your face, you sniffled. Wondering what could of happened-what is going to happen. Dwelling in such all you knew it wasn't going to pleasant.

What seemed forever finally the silence ended when Starscream transformed around you once more, and now in the palm of the seeker's servo. You wouldn't glance up at him. You wouldn't meet his gaze afraid you might start crying. Starscream would have nothing of it thought, as he gently lifted your chin up with his clawed servo. Like a delicate China doll, as he held you. You didn't realized about your surrondings until now. You two were up high. You couldn't see the ground from where you were. Clouds covering the ground, wondering if you were to fall...

Shuddering you realized that both you and Starsceam were staring into at each others orbs in silence. In a a good silence. His put up a expressionless mask, but those optics of his were like a book. Anger, fear, sadness, betrayal. A mix of emotions. Finally as you turned your head once more away from his did he stiffen up. Squealing in surprise you were held from your shirt collar, and just as slowly. You were held away from safe ground and now were at the very edge. In realization, your tears stained freely against your cheeks, as you turned from over your shoulder to face the seeker. His optics seemed to be shiner as coolant collected. But with his determine look and one final breath.

That he let go.

Time was beginning to go slow. Like if anything didn't matter. Falling. ever so slowly you glanced up to catch the brief glance of regret on the seekers scarred faceplate. And of yours with your silent tears. You thought in that time. You didn't live to the fullest to have a kiss anyone, to start a family, to get a job you love. It was now never to happen. With a frown knowing so. You let your (E/C) eyes slowly close and were met with a painless fate with a 'splat.'

Cringing as his sensitive hearing picked up the awful sound of you facing with the ground. He regretted dropping you. As just as he let go of you, he got a comm link about you. 'You didn't do it.' But now. It was too late. You were his only friend, the only one who understand him. The only one who stood by his side this whole time. But were gone. And here he was. Letting coolant fall freely. He couldn't bare at the thought of what he just done. He couldn't live knowing what just happened. And all for nothing you had caused. His spark broken, he fell as his legs couldn't hold him up. Shaking in silent sobs he couldn't forgive himself.

"I'm sorry.....i'm so sorry (Y/N).."

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