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Requested by: @Chowderthepinapple a lemon female insert. Oh yea we getting some grovey dance moves tonight!!

Jazz came to vist earth once again. And this was your first meeting with the visting bot. All you knew is he loved music (based on what you kept hereing) and that's about it. But you were still down right excited. Being the cousin of Russel, you came along here with him, and now you were stuck with Russel's dad. Your uncle Danny. Yep and then the whole bot thing.

"So when is he coming?" You kept pestering everyone. Sideswipe growned as you said it for the ten million time-ish.

"What i'm just excited I never met him before." You said innocently.

"No one get's that excited." Sideswipe grumbled as he started to walk away before you could sass him back. Snickering you know you won this round. "So.....when is he coming?" Another pair of groans filled the scrap yard air as you looked taken back.

"Damn I was just asking..."



"And many s'more, gore, nor,-more agains." Fixit finished saying off as he was typing his way on his screen. You grumbled and sat down. Clearly bored. You couldn't sit around even for one second. You always had to be kept busy. And this was just harming you.


"Look he's here!" Sideswip quickly said shutting you up. Staring up from where you stood, out from the corner, and stepping out in his glory. Was the Jazz man. Jazz.

"Jazz, it's good to see you." Bumblebee said with a smile.

"Hey it's good to see all of you too." Jazz responded. His voice made you melt from the inside. Now. You may be a bit of attitude and all. But your mind was innocent from all those......'dirty' thoughts.

"Hey who's this new doll?" You were brought from your thoughts and looked up to see Jazz was pointing at you.

"Oh hey what's up, i'm (Y/N).....um Russel's cousin." You explained with a grin.

"Oh your that new femme Sideswipe kept talking about." Slowly just as ever you turned to face Sideswipe. His cooling fan kicking in, as he had a frown, and his arms were crossed.

"What you wouldn't stop talking."

"Says you." You perfectly sassed back. And before Sideswipe came up with a smart remark you made a bolt for it.

"We should have a party!" You yelled before disappearing into the shack.

"Party.....doesn't sound like a bad idea." Bumblebee thought.

"I'm up for a party." Jazz grinned as he started to sway his hips to non-exciting music.

"Sweet, i'll help set up." Sideswipe offer, for once, as he started to move on.

"Wait but proto-"

"It's alright Strongarm. We all need to loosen up our selves anyway." Bumblebee talked sense into Strongarm. Sighing she nodded and went on and followed Sideswipe slowly.

Hours passed and everything was set up. High grade was set out and not explained to the humans, the music poping, colorful lights everywhere, it was perfect! What you and everyone else could make most of it here in the scrap yard of course. With everything set and the party started, everyone was having a blast. Where day shifted into night the party grew on. And then there you were. Party out, you decided to walk away from all the commotion and head to the woods. There was a special place out here in the woods you grew to claim. And so there you were. Laying down near the lake, and staring up at the stars.

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