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Requested By: Wolves-of-the-moon and Osh1988 A lemon female reader insert. And yeah your a decepticon :3

You rolled your optics as you watched over the squealing seeker being thrown about like a rag doll by the one and only beast. Predaking it decided to be called on. Even thought he can transform now to a biedal form. Starscream is still messed with.

And that is exactly what was happening now. Your poor partner's commandings turned to pleads. Sighing you stood up right from the wall you were leaning on and headed towards the where they were.

"Predaking may you please let my partner go? I don't want to carry him to the med bay." You explained a small grining rising, as Starscream sent glares at your direction. Predaking looked over to you, golden optics locked with your own (O/C) optics as he seem to think about it. Finally with a growl did he stepped away from the seeker and transformed. And without a word left.

"Your welcome." You commented. Starscream glanced at your direction with a frown on his faceplate.

"Whatever. You shouldn't even be addreasing that beast with that designation." He spat. You furred your brows together as a frown now settled on where your grin use to be.

"If he wishes to be called Predaking then let it be then. Everyone deserves a designation Starscream." You argued. You were.....fond of the predacon, and by the Allspark you wouldn't let Starscream talk scraps about him.

"Why are you defending him? Is it-"

"Because there is no reason to talk scrap about him. Unless you want to be treated like that then go on and anger him! I won't step in to save your sorry aft." You cut him off rudely. And with a final huff you turned on your heals and left a fuming seeker, and a hidden predacon over hearing everything.

 And with a final huff you turned on your heals and left a fuming seeker, and a hidden predacon over hearing everything

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It was dark outside. The dead stars shining on the black void, the full moon casting down light into the night ground. Everything was peaceful at the nemesis. With every con going in to recharge for the next day. Another addition to the counting days of war. And here you were. One of the suckers in this night in this war. Walking without a care aimlessly throughout the halls. You couldn't fall into recharge simply like any other bot. And now with nothing to do, you decided a nice walk will cease to tire you out.

Or....maybe something else more....entertaining.

And that's when it happened. When suddenly your vision of view was blocked, a servo going over to cover your mouth as you were being pulled away easily. Even with out the struggling who ever was kidnapping  you, was strong as frag to be able to pull you so easily to the unknown.

In your struggling attempts you heard the sound of something sliding. Sliding once more and then a click. A lock? Was that a door? Are you in a room? And that's when everything escalated. You were roughly pushed against a wall you assume, your front pressing against the said wall with the unknown bot locking you into that position. And finally did the lights came. Blinking a few times, you were correct that you were in a huge room as far as you could see. Pressed up to a wall. The lights were dimmed for a strange feel. And finally, that you dare glance over your shoulder to see who was the bot that dragged you into this. Your (O/C) optics widen in sight as what kept you in place was the towering form of Predaking.

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