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Requested by: Sun_Wave a female lemon reader insert. Who's ready for some Hentai-kinda stuff :3
Update: Jueses this story has so many questionings

Growling you were, as you struggled against the tight grasp from the curious snake robot that managed to catch you. Dressed up in nothing but rags as living in the wild for such a long time. You knew all about the hunter hunts on prey, but nothing of the hunter becomes the hunted. And what sucks even more, you can't fight this thing off if you wanted to or not. Your fragile body will break to the touch if you tried biting, or punching.

Wrapped up like a snake squeazing the life out a mouse, the robotic giant looked down upon your struggling form. Oh was he quite the curious mech to go all the trouble to capture this strange organisim. And to do what with it was now the question. He should be working. Working until something happens. Maybe if the autobots managed to find him's been awhile. So why not kill time with this creature. Such a strange one at that. Through thinking did strange thoughts occur. It was far beyond possible to do such. But it wouldn't to try. Wouldn't? Well the only thing will be hurting will be the poor you at the end twitching from such pleased actions.

You let out a yelp, as he tightened around. With ears pointed back, as you showed aggression. You glared up at the snake like with a growl, baring your teeth in threat. Thought he didn't seem at all faze as he stared at you with such yellow optics you could read like a book. Was that lust the humans called? Hunger, yearning?

Soon a whine was heard, as your ears pressed against your head, as you took note of how the air felt. Smelled even as it was laced with something you couldn't pinpoint. To focus into your surroundings you haven't realized how his face inched closer and closer until you could feel the heat coming of from his faceplates. You wonder what will happen next. Will he bite of your head and end you there. Will he taste you before he has his bite. Will he tease you before your blood splatters against his shining armor? You whine again in thought as he froze inches away from your heated face. His hot breath you could feel against your warming skin. The tension building with the little space you two shared. So close enough you could boop noses with in affections. And when finally he closed the gasp. You let out a yelp surprised as he nuzzled your cheek with his broad muzzle. Confused you were as you stiffened up from such actions, as he moved along with nuzzling your cheek to the crook of your neck.

'What is this?' you thought. 'What is he doing? Is this a proceeding of wanting to become mates?' You asked yourself  as you seen 'affections' out in the wild. You were always curious on how it worked out. How it felt to be cared and loved for. From your partner protecting you. Being at your side and settle in with you. Hugging them tightly as if afraid you'll loose them. 'Is this how it works?'

Your breaths coming in short gasp for air, as you felt the wet sensation of smooth metal being slided against your soft skin. 'Is this what they called some form of a kiss?'

Clunching on the hold you had where your hands were locked into fist on his armor. You squirmed undearneth him. Bellow of your superior as he took command on what will proceed. 'Is this right?'

You squealed as you intake a sharp feeling on your neck. And again the feeling of that wet sensation soaking the bitten part of your skin. Again and agaisn did he proceed to do the same. Bite and lick, bite and lick. On your collarbone, on your shoulder. He will claim you. For his own curiosity. 'What was this wet feeling?' You asked as you felt such arousing feeling fluttered inside of you. Wet betweem your legs you were quite confused. 'Was it suppose to throb.....throb for more of this?'

Panting as he finally let your bruised (S/C) skin be. He had his glossa out. Letting that be, he licked your bruised shoulder once more, before trailing up to your collarbone, to your neck, to your cheek, and finally meeting the corner of your lips. Sliding his glossa into your mouth. Your (E/C) eyes widen at such feeling. It was so werid so strange. But it felt just right.

His smooth metal glossa against your own tongue, twirling around, until he easily won. Thought you didn't mind. You liked how this felt. Moaning you didn't even realized, your hands meet up with the hot armor of his metallic cheeks. You could feel your (F/C) tail wagging in unexplainable happiness of sorts. 'Thought....why?'

You could feel the low rumble of a growl forming in his throat as he heard the pleasant sounds of you giving off and filled the room with the muffled moans. He dealt with femmes in his own time back in Cybertron. But never like this. He should listen more to his curiosity side.

Breaking apart slowly, you were left a panting mess for air, as the creature licked his lips for more of this curiosity state. Finally did you calmed down. Only to yelp as you felt something cold followed by how hard to the feel it was as it slid between your lips and met with the sticky white your inner thighs were covered in. Glancing up to meet the mech's yellow optics. They were nothing different as he looked down at you with an hungry gaze. Adverting your (E/C) eyes away his you took note of something. 'Wait is he using is tail-Gah!'

Breaking away from your thought you whimpered, as he slid past your clint's lips and into you. His cold thick tail only the tip was inside your warm walls as you panted to the uncomfortable feeling of him inside. 'Oh my everything makes sense now!'

Moments went flying by, supringing he let you get used to his tail then continue and tear you apart. Unlike his spike will probably do...With settled breaths you glanced up to the now eager mech as slowly did he thrust upward into you, as you let out a cry. The pace being nothing more then slow and steady, as he continued. His arousing got the better of him, as he quicken his pace. But this pleased you. Pleased you so much you were crying out moans.

In no time he hit your g-spot. And going to climax was such an amazing feeling. An amazing feeling for you as you gaved in and let all your go, as your white liquid covered his tail. Panting you were as he was catching his from this workout. He slowly slid his covered tail out from in you as you sighed on both reflied and yearning for more. But it was for the best....if you rested now. Your eye lids were heavy as you glanced one last time to the mech above you and finally. Did he finally shared a different emotion. A small smile. Smiling yourself and still in is curled up form, did you settled and let yourself drift away to darkness.

'Who knows....I might grow to like this....and...and maybe him..'

But reader-chan you don't even know his name .-.

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