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Requested by: BlazeTheWolfDraws A female lemon (kinda not really just a kiss) reader insert. In this case your a cybertronian and *coughs* Megzy is your teacher after he says fuck it in the gladiator pits and becomes a history teacher in the worst high school in Kaon. and your the bad student ya XD (i dunno if school exists, but since arcee in the animated series was all school teacher on the decepticons and such so yeah)LOGIC

Update: I didn't finished it.

With legs up on the metal slab of the desk, you claimed your own. You sat titled in your seat, with servos behind your back. Causally being silent, not like the rest of the class as some where groups talking to each other. And other's prefer to be alone and keeping their own business. Like you are. Thought you were just awaiting for the teacher to arrive.


The name sent chills down your back. How you said his name, easily rolling off your glossa. A smile crept up your metallic lips, at the thought of the ex gladiator. Not to long ago he started teaching in this school. And primus he sure is scary when you are doing something when your not suppose to do. But does this stopped you? Of course not. You did it all for the attention. More specific his attention. Thought today, you'll give him a break.

A slam echoing in the room. Everyone's helms turned towards the sound, going dead silent, as there he stood in the doorway. He glanced around the room with narrowed blue optics.

"Everybot back to your seats, now." He growled out. And quickly did everyone obey. In satisfaction he nodded more to himself as he walked up towards his desk to begin teaching. Adverting your gaze from him towards the window, you couldn't help but feel all tingly between your legs. All your fault for staring at his....lower section. Oh well live it or lose it.

"Now students. Today we'll continue discussing, about the thirteen primes." He begin, as everyone got their datapads out, to write notes.

" He begin, as everyone got their datapads out, to write notes

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"Ms. (Y/N)." Your attention was brought back from your fantasy, as you looked up to realized Megatron has been calling your designation for who knows how long. Well with that expression it could of been a couple of times he called out for you.

"What up teach." You called cocking an optic ridge (eyebrow) His gaze narrowed at your frame, as he didn't look satisfied by your behavior.

"Ms. (Y/N) can you answer my question. What became of Megatronus?" He asked with his never leaving gaze. Shifting in your seat, you smirked.

"Formerly the guardian of entropy. He betrayed his brothers and became a Herald of Unicron under the new name The Fallen." You answered cockily.

"Very good. At least I know you pay attention in class." He responded, as he turned around and begin to write something in the board. 'Heh or you meant what became of you?'

With the bell ringing, signaling it was time to go, as history was your last class. You took your time packing your things, everyone already going out of the class in a hurry to do what they do after school. That leaving you. All by your self, with the one and only-

"Ms. (Y/N) what are you still doing here?" He question as you could feel his presence behind you.

"I like taking my time." You reported truthfully. He hummed in response, as he walked away from you. At the corner of your optics you watched him. The sound of a click, stating the door was locked. You wonder why did he locked the door.

"Well got everything. See ya tomorrow teach." You said uneasily. You didn't know why you were. Was it because you two were here all alone. Together? With the fragging door locked.

"(Y/N) I've been meaning to talk to you." he said slowly. Finally turning to face you, with a growing smirk.

"I've noticed you didn't do anything to keep me from keeping you after class." he purred, making you tremble. Did he see through your actions?

"Today I caught you a few times, looking somewhere, where a precious student like you, shouldn't be looking." You backed away, only because he finally had caught you off guard. How could this be? For once you were speechless. Thought....was that excitement bubbling in your spark?

His smirked widen, chuckling at your reaction as he inched closer and closer to your small frame. "Now do tell me." your back pressed up against the wall, faceplates inches apart.

"Is there wish to do." You blushed madly, fans kicking in to cool your systems down. He awaited for your answer thought, longly staring at your plump metallic lips, making him lick his own.

"Oh Primus....just kiss me." You breathly commanded, finding you confidence back. And quick as a seeker running for their life, his scarred lips crashed onto yours hungrily. Wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders, closing the gaps between the two of you.

Heeeeeey guys!!! Back at it again at my stories! Guess what? I'm not writing this anymore. Don't worry i'll make a part two some day. But i have reasons why i'm discontinuing this.
1-My writing has gotten better.
2- i forgot about it
3- And that's it 
So yes fear not i'm making a part two some day! (btw i'm so fucking sorry i'm shit.)

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