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Requested by: ErnestinaBorrego a female lemon reader insert. Oh yea I would also like to thank you all for the views and votes! 4.5K views! Damn you guys are freaking amazing (I know I don't sound excited but trust me. I am in the inside XD).....Oh yes Cuz Megzy is like a god, he can change his when he enters he's human size! :D

You stayed crouched at your usual spot in where you kept prisoned. You lost count how long you've been here. But ever since the second day of some disaster in Crown City, you met a alien robot....a fallen god who was responsible for that disaster. And then. He just snatched you up and away from everything you known.

You thought to yourself, what were you to become to him? A slave? A pet? Nope. Because after he healed up from his near death experience, he fucked you right in the ass. And continuing it did when he had nothing better to do but sadistically inflick pain on you. Taking pleasure in that. You.

You were his sex slave.

Oh how much you hated it. But you couldn't lie. You enjoyed this. But you dared not show him with the thought he might do something even worse of sorts. And you weren't there to find out. So you just played along with his tactics. In thought you raised your head to the sound of something slamming twice before a click. And there he stood.


Gulping you knew what was to come. Hurt you, rape you, then just leaves. Nothing different. Thought the way he looked at you. Those piercing crimson red optics looked over your backed up form with something unidentified laced his optics. It was an awkward silence for you mostly as the two of you never inched to move. The room tensed. This never happened before. He would always have a devilish smirk when he comes to vist. But this time? Very strange indeed. And for that you were afraid. Confused.

"M-Megatronus..?" You hesitatedly spoke. Your voice stuttering over his name. But god you sounded horrible. But that worked to bring him back from what ever he was thinking of. And finally did he slowly stalked forward to where you were. Your breath hitched as he didn't stop or slow when he was only a couple of feet away from you. But oh it was still so close. Closer and closer. Now that's when you call close. Closer he was you squealed surprise as he hunched only inches away from your face from his.

Armored arms at your sides. Locking you in a cage of no escape. His leg between your legs, inches away from your throbbing cat.Those optics of his once more never left your own glowing (E/C) eyes.  You were breathing rather heavily, for these unexplainable actions. His actions.

"Why do you make me feel like this.." He spoke below a whisper.

"Huh?" Was all you could process to respond back as you were even more confused then before. He never bother to talk besides ordering you around. So what changed him? His feelings.....impossible.

"I despite how my spark reacts when I lay my optics on your pathetic form." He continued, as very slowly inched closer and closer to close the gap between the two of you. You could feel his leg brush up against your pre wetting cat. The insanity this was driving you in. He was the cause of it. Your love. Your drug. Your death.

"How did a simple low life human like you was able to do such with a powerful god?" He finally asked a certain question. You could literally feel his words when he breath it out. Hot. Hot just like your god damn pus-

You squealed surprise as you feel a wetting feeling on your lips. To find out he licked your lips with that damned glossa of his before it retreated back to where it belong.

"You are mine to keep." He purred as he moved to the crook of your neck.

"No matter how you made me feel towards you.....fleshie mortal." He murmured before he took a bite at your bruised skin. You gasped at how hard it was, So painful yet you enjoyed it. He continued up this process. Biting down hard, and again and again. You were sure it would of drawn blood. Thought how could you even look when you were to busy holding in cries.

"Such delicate protoform. It makes you weak." Megatronus said as he suddenly sat up. His servos moving up and grabbing a hold of the end of your blouse.

"And yet you thrive for more." Your eyes widen at the sentence. Oh how did he know?

"And I willingly give you that for my own pleasures." He continued as he managed to take your blouse off with the helps of you.

"It's disgusting how one shows affection." He continued on with his servos slowly pulling away your leggings.

"Yet I don't care how horrifying wrong this is." He said as he gotten the leggings off you and flung it aside.

"And you. My sinful slave will get what you deserve." You looked down at the mech. Your cheeks covered in a dust of blush to everything has occurred. Slowly he moved to your hips. Where your undies layed. The mech looking back up at you with a growing smirk, your undies in his fanged teeth as he slowly pull them away. Finally were you free from your clothing but your laced bra you still weared.

"So easily aroused. And just by my presence I already made you wet for me.~" He purred as  he position himself above you. Your legs by the side of his hips. your arms pinned down by his own.

"I will happily obey to your needs. Mortal.~" He purred out once more as he started to grind his buldgey interferce plating against your wet cat. The tease how it was driving you mad. Your own lubricant being smeared and rubbed onto his amour. His glossa suddenly forcing it's way into your mouth. You finally let out a mumbled moan into the kiss. You happily let him take dominance as he explored your mouth. Not letting any inch get untouched. You could feel him growl as his throat vibrated near your exposed (S/C) skin. You begged for more before you went insane. Thought with your little desires he wouldn't give it to you so easily. letting go one of your hands, mouths still locked together, he made his way to remove his interface plating. His servo brushing up your wet entrance of your lips as he successfully took of his plating and thrown it aside. His friend springy out from his prisoned state. You gasp as you could feel his pre cum head of his spike against your own wet pussy.(I'm sorry)

Pulling away from the kiss, your lips swollen as you panted for oxygen. You glanced up to see him smirking down on you. And that's what you had been waiting all day. Waiting all day for him to roughly shove his whole cold member into you. You let out a scream from how quickly the sudden pain came. Your walls tightening against his huge shaft. Calming down as you took slow breaths. You just realized how gentle he was this whole time. He would of clawed your hips. Drawning blood and wearing the red substance against his armor. He would of savagely go in and out of you until you begged to cum. Not this time. He was gentle besides the part he bruised your neck once again. Letting you get use to his size. You could finally enjoy it.

With a couple of deep breaths. You finally calmed and got use to his pleasuring spike as you looked back up to him to meet his gaze. With a nod, he nodded back, as slowly he started to thrust in and out in a steady pace. You moaned his name out as he continued on with his pace. Faster. Faster and faster did he started to go. Faster harder it was becoming. And it was driving you into a fenzy of moans and cries of pleasures.

The room musk with the heated sessions, with moans and groans filling the sound as metal hit flesh. You two where at a close. And finally like a volcano erupting, did you both comed into each other in a final cry.

Panting as you tried catching your breath. He slid out of you, and in a surprise he brought you into his hold. With widen (E/C) eyes, you looked up in question towards him as he cast you a glance down.

"I heard humans get hurt from recharging on hard surfaces." He stated, and you swear you saw him wink as your vision blurry yearning for sleep. The only thing to you did was grumble, as you heard a low chuckle. Before the darkness took you to sleep. You wonder.

What happens now?

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