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"Please Blaine, I haven't done anything. He's a friend!" I cried holding my hands to his chest. 

"You’re lying to me Elise. You know I don't like that!" He shouted. 

"Baby I promise I haven't, I wouldn't" I pleaded. 

My head hit the floor as he threw a sharp blow to my face. My head felt fuzzy as I lifted it up. He stood over me his face full of anger. 

"You lying fucking bitch!" He screamed kicking me in the side. Pain shot through my ribs and down my legs. Tears streamed down my face, as I willed him to stop. 

"Please, stop" I sobbed as I curled into a ball. 

A burning sensation covered my head as he wrapped his hand in my hair, pulling me up to my feet. My legs were like jelly as I tried my best to stand up straight. He pulled my face towards his, his eyes where alight with anger. 

"He texts you ever again I will kill you both" he promised as he flung my weak pathetic body into the cupboard door. I laid there with my head in my hands sobbing silently as the excruciating pain burnt through my beaten body. 

"Clean yourself up, you look a fucking mess!" He said with his voice full of hatred. "I will take you home when you’re done." 

He walked into his front room joining his friends on his game console. I dragged myself up yelping in pain as I clutched my swollen ribs.  

I closed the bathroom door and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were stained from my tears; my lip was cut with blood oozing out. I lifted up my top squinting as I looked at my swollen purple side; I rested my head against the mirror and started to cry. I needed to go home but I was scared my family would see my cut, the bruises I usually have are easily hidden.

He grabbed my chin and pulled me towards him crashing his lips against my sore bruised lips. A tear escaped my eye as the pain from him sucking hard on the cut stung. 

"See you later doll," he said as he pulled away. 

"Bye Blaine," I whispered quickly stepping out the car. 

I jumped to his hand giving my bum a hard slap, bile rose as I heard him grunt excitedly. 

"Nice piece of ass that doll, think I need to break that in" he laughed making me cringe at the thought. 

He revved his car loudly then took off speeding out of my street.

I dreaded walking through the door I just know mum will want to know about my cut. It was only a matter of time before they stopped believing my lies about me being so clumsy. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath as I walked through the door. 

"Hi hunny, dinner won't be long" mum chirped with her back to me. 

"Ok mum" I replied running up the stairs letting out a sigh of relief that she didn't see. 

I flopped on my bed yelping as my side ached with pain. My phone began to buzz from in my pocket, as I pulled it out I looked to see it was Aubrey my best friend. 

"Hey" I answered. 

"Hi lis, you ok? What you up to?" She asked. 

"Just going to jump in the shower then start on homework, only just got back from Blaine's." 

"Oh....what did you get up to at 'his'" she snarled making it clear she doesn't like him. 

Aubrey is the only one that knows about Blaine hitting me, she's promised she won't say anything but she makes it clear she hates him. Blaine doesn't really like her as she's the only girl that stands up to him. 

"Erm...nothing really his mates were round." 

"What a complete dick he invites you round and his pot head mates are there too!" She shouted. 

"It doesn't matter" I laughed. 

"He best of been kind to you unlike last time when he beat you in front of them!" She scoffed sarcastically. 

I sat quietly for a few seconds as I ran my hand over my swollen lip. 

"Lis..he best not of touched you again!" She warned. 

"It's ok, I'm ok" I tried to explain. 

"Lis you need to get rid of him, he's no good. He's older with no job, he does drugs and treats you like shit!" She shouted. 

"He's not all bad Aub, listen forget bout that. You ready to go back to school tomorrow?" 

"O.m.g no I wish it was summer all over again!" She laughed. 

We must have been on the phone for a good hour as Aubrey talked about Jesse. They had hooked up a few times throughout the summer and she's starting to fall for him but he's abit of a player. 

I finally got in bed after a long shower painfully cleaning my bruised body. I stared at the ceiling as I laid in the dark. My phone buzzed with a message. I slowly leaned over and picked it up off my unit.

To: Elise 

From: Blaine

Doll I'm sorry about tonight, don't be mad. 

I promise that's the last time, I will get help! 

It's just you know I don't like other lads messaging you, 

Your mine and only mine and always will be! 

P.s I can't wait for your ass to be mine just like your virginity was!

I rolled my eyes at the thought of my first time, he was drunk and high. It was after watching a gig he parked up in his truck and gave me this big story about how I was special to him and that he thought he loved me. He was kind back then never laid a finger on me. That night was a mistake, a quick fumble on his back seats made me feel very special. NOT. 'Dickhead' I told myself as I threw my phone onto my unit and turned to face the wall.

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