Chapter Thirteen

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Chad's POV

"I love you Elise," I whispered as I placed a soft kiss on her head. 

She looked so beautiful when she slept, I pulled her closer in towards my body and slowly closed my eyes.

A loud bang came from downstairs causing me to jump up. Elise didn't move as she continued to stay in her deep peaceful sleep. I carefully crawled off the bed and headed for the stairs. Another noise came from in the kitchen, I quickly ran down the stairs and burst through the kitchen door. There was Scott leaning against the fridge gulping down a pint of milk. 

"What the fuck Scott?" I shouted punching him in the arm. 

"Ow what was that for?" Scott whined. 

"For making all that noise, what was that about?" I asked shaking my head. 

"Oh sorry did I wake you?" He laughed kicking off his shoes. 

I followed him into the living room, both of us flopped down onto the couch and sighed loudly. 

"Tell me, why are girls such hard work?" Scott laughed rubbing his hands over his face. 

"Don't ask me mate, I'm too scared to tell the girl I love how I really feel," I scoffed. 

Scott's head snapped towards me with a puzzled look on his face, "You’re in love?" 

I felt my cheeks blush. Scott has always known that I liked Elise but I've never told him that I loved her. 

"I think so, it's mad Scott. I can't stop thinking about her, she makes me smile all the time. She's beautiful in every single way. When I'm with her I know it's....I know its right. She's the one!" 

I looked up at Scott as he sat stunned. 

"Scott it's you're Elise," I whispered. 

"Of course it is, I'm not stupid you know," he laughed. "I can tell that she feels the same way about you mate, you're good for her. She is so happy when you're around, I haven't seen her like this in a long time. I never thought she would ever see past that dickhead, I'm so glad she has and that it's you." 

I couldn't help but smile, he thinks she loves me too.  

"Listen I need to get some sleep my head is wrecked because of Bria," he sighed standing to his feet. 

"Night mate," I smiled.

I stayed downstairs as I had a few ideas of what I wanted to do to surprise Elise.

. . . . .

Elise's POV

My eyes squinted as the morning light filled my room. I couldn't help but smile as I rolled over to the other side of my bed thinking about last night. The words 'I love you Elise,' rang through my ear. My hand touched the empty space next to me where Chad was laying last night. As my hand ran up towards my pillow I felt a piece of paper. The folded paper was marked to me. As I quickly opened it, it read,

Good morning Elise!

I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful sleeping :-) 

I hope you remembered agreeing to accompany me on a date,  

Well get ready, our first date starts at exactly 9:30. 

I will meet you downstairs.


A smile spread across my face as I noticed a single read rose placed on my bedside cabinet. A little tag was hooked around the stem saying,

A beautiful rose for a beautiful person x

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