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It was my 21st birthday, I was very excited my mum and Scott had worked together to throw a so called 'surprise' party. I let them just believe that I didn't know about it but Bria slipped up and told me a couple of weeks back. She was devastated and promised me not to tell Scott. 

I stood looking into the long mirror that hung on the back of my dorm room door. I was wearing a small red laced dress that clung to my body in the right places. Make up covered the scars on my face that were left from 'that night'. My hair hung loosely down my back. I turned to get another opinion from my roommate.  

"What you think?" I asked waving my hands up and down my dress. 

"Oh my you look HOT!" She laughed.

Aubrey jumped from her bed to help me zip the back of my dress up. 

"And that's why I'm glad we're roommates," I giggled as I slid my foot into my black heeled shoes. 

Aubrey straightened her high waisted skirt as she checked herself out in the mirror. 

"Right are we ready?" She beamed heading for the door. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," I smiled following her out. 

When we got outside Jesse was sitting in his car with the engine running. "Hey ladies! You two need a ride?" He shouted over.  

"Like I want a ride off you!" Aubrey snarled. They fell out last year as Aubrey finally confessed her feelings towards him and because he isn't very good with feelings, he called it off. 

"Just get in the car Aub. It's been a year. You can't possibly still be giving me the silent treatment!" He smirked climbing out of his car. 

"Aub I'm sorry I'm cold and we haven't even called a cab. Let's just get in," I pleaded walking towards the door that Jesse held open. 

"Fine!" She shouted storming towards the door. "Don't even try to talk to me!" 

The car journey was very intense. They obviously had strong feeling for each other but they both are very stubborn and wouldn't cave in and admit it. 

We finally reached the hall where my mum had booked for the party. Elegant pink and purple decorations hung outside. A large banner hung from the door it read, 'Happy 21st Birthday Elise!' I couldn't help but laugh.

As I walked into the dark hall the lights suddenly flicked on and everyone shouted "surprise!" I put my I-knew-this-was-going-to-happen-but-I-will-just-pretend-to-be-shocked face on. I gasped loudly trying to convince them that I was surprised.

"Happy birthday hunny," mum smiled pulling me into a hung. 

"Thanks. I can't believe you did this for me," I laughed. 

"It weren't just me. Your brother Scott did most of the work," she nodded over to where he and Bria were talking.  

I headed over to them as they quickly ended their conversation. "You ok?" Scott asked looking shifty. 

"Hey yeah I'm more than ok. That's for all of this," I smiled. 

"Your welcome. Now go and get pissed!" He demanded.

I joined Aubrey, Jesse and a couple of other guys we knew at the bar as we all began to chug back shots and daring each other to down our drinks. It was fun.  

My head started to spin from all the drinks that I had been mixing. I placed my hands on the bar to steady myself but it was too late I could feel myself tipping to the side and I was too drunk to do anything about it. 

Two hands slid around my waist, catching me in mid air as I totally lost my balance. My body spun round and I crashed against a hard chest.  

"I think you've had too much to drink birthday girl," he murmured laughing slightly. I recognized that voice as I lifted my eyes from his chest I met his warming eyes. A smile formed across my lips as I jumped up. 

"You made it!" I screamed with excitement. 

"Of course I did. Nothing was going to keep me away from celebrating your 21st with you beautiful," he smiled. 

I wrapped my hands around him and pulled him into a tight hug. His familiar homely smell filled my nose as I took in a deep breath.  

"Happy birthday baby. I love you!" He whispered into my ear causing the hairs on my neck to stand up.

"I love you too Chad!"


After 'that long night' Chad finally pulled through after being rushed into theatre. It was a long couple of months to recovery. After that Chad received a letter from the army accepting his position and he left for training a month before the trails. He tried to move the starting date back but the army is very stricked and wouldn't change it. Scott kept him in the know throughout the trail but he was limited to time as he was on intense training. He came home every weekend after that as I took a turn for the worse and he didn't want to leave me on my own for too long. We got to spend last summer together but when I started this semester in uni he was shipped out on tour. Without any contact for the last 6 months it seemed to drag and I willed him to be home for my 21st, but no one had heard from him to know if he was going to make it or not.

This had to be the best present by far.  

"I can't believe you made it! I've missed you so much," I told him as he held me tightly, kissing my bare neck softly. 

"Words couldn't describe how much I've missed you baby! Wild horses wouldn't keep me from getting here," he smiled.

The night went by pretty quickly. Chad and I were inseparable all night, where ever he went I went and vise versa. Everyone was on the dance floor having a great time when suddenly the band stopped playing and Chad let go of me. 

"I will be back now baby. Wait there and don't move," he smiled running towards the plat formed stage.  

"Hey everyone I hope you’re enjoying celebrating my beautiful Elise's 21st," he began, holding the mike and walked into the middle of the stage. "I just have to something to say it won't last long. Lights!"  

Suddenly a white beam of light hovered over me. I stood confused. 

"Elise, I knew I loved you from the minute I set eyes on you. Your smile, your laugh I just love everything about you!" He paused. "After nearly losing each other and then me being away just confirmed something I already knew. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to experience everything with you by my side." He jumped off the stage and slowly walked towards me. Everyone formed a circle around us as they watched on. Girls were 'arhh-ing' with an is-he-really-going-to-do-this look on their faces. 

"Elise," he smiled as he went down on his knee taking my hand. "Will you marry me?" 

Gasps filled the air as everyone stood stunned including myself. Sobs from my mum, Aubrey and Bria echoed as they began to nod at me smiling. 

I looked back to where Chad was kneeling waiting for a reply. His soothing eyes gazed into mine. 

"Of course I will," I cried pulling him up to hug me. 

Everyone burst out in cheers and claps. People came over to congratulate us both.

Happiness doesn't come into your life very often but when it does grab it and never let it go. Tonight was the happiest I have ever been and I now know that it's going to last forever!

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