Chapter Twenty Three

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Elise's POV

"Hello Doll..." He smirked proudly as started the engine. 

"Blaine, what the hell? I need to go back in," I said in a daze. As I pulled at the door handle I noticed that it had been lock. Panic set in. My hands began to shake uncontrollably I needed to get out of here. 

"Blaine let me out!" I shouted. 

"Elise don't be like that baby, I just want to talk. Just me and you like the old times," he smiled as he pulled the car out of the parking space. 

"Blaine please, just let me out! Everyone will be wondering where I am," I begged as I started to thrash around trying to unlock the door.  

"It's no use doing that Doll the only way your going to get out of he is if I let you out," he laughed. 

"Please Blaine," I whispered.  

A tear slid down my face as I slowly slid my hand into my purse to get my phone out. My thumb hovered over Chad’s name ready to press call and scream for help but suddenly it was snatched out of my hand. 

"What the fuck Elise?! All I want is to talk to you. Don't you trust me?" He asked throwing my phone into the back of the car causing it to slide under his seat. 

"Trust!" I blurted out. "How can you talk about trust Blaine? I trusted you to look after me but you couldn't do that properly." 

I noticed his hands tighten around the wheel, his knuckles began to turn white. "Sorry did I touch a nerve there? What, do you want to hit me?" I shouted. 

"Shut the fuck up Elise!" His voice echoed throughout the car. 

"No I won't, you can't tell me what to do anymore Blaine!" I laughed. "You’re a pathetic so called-" 

It seemed to be a blur as his hand swung up and collided with the side of my face causing a loud clap. A loud wail escaped my mouth as my hands flew to my stinging cheek. I sat in shock as the tears slid down my cheeks. Small sobs caught the back of my throat making me cry more.  

"Look what you made me do Doll. I didn't want to hurt you. All I wanted to do was talk to you," he said sternly. "Damn it Elise!" His hands smacked against the wheel as we pulled up outside my house. I felt relieve well up inside me at the thought of him taking me home, maybe he did just want to talk. I sat still as he hopped out the car and ran to open my door. I climbed out at looked at him confused. 

"Right you have got five minutes to change and grab a few things you need before we leave!" He demanded. 

"What? What do you mean before we leave? Where are we going?" I asked as he grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me towards the house. 

"Stop asking questions and just do as you are told for once in your life Elise!" He shouted as he shoved me through the door. 

I quickly ran to my room and pulled my joggers out of the wardrobe pulling other things out with it. I was changed within seconds and went straight to my drawers next to my bed I quietly pulled out a picture of me and Chad. I rubbed my finger across his smiling face and kissed it softly before sliding it into my pocket. Who knows where Blaine is taking me but I felt having this picture with me would make me feel that little bit closer to Chad. 

"Elise! We are going now," Blaine called up to me causing me to jump. 

I thought of a plan if I started an argument with him to stall him surely Chad would have noticed I was missing by now and he will come here to look for me. I felt abit of excitement fill my body as I leaped down the stairs. 

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