Chapter Two

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The journey in the car to Blaine's was silent, I couldn't help but stare at my shaking hands that nervously rested against my weak legs. 'Why did I have to make him mad?' I just wanted to go home, knowing I was going to Blaine's made my stomach flip. The car came to a sudden stop as we pulled up outside his house. Blaine quickly climbed out of the car and stormed up the path leaving me to stroll behind him. 

"Drink?" He asked as I walked into his kitchen. 

I stood in shock, why is he offering me a drink? I thought he was mad with me. " please," I replied confused. 

Blaine flicked the kettle on and started to rummage around for cups. I quickly scuttled to the fridge and grabbed the milk to help him.  

"I don't really appreciate your slut of a mate talking to me like she did," he said calmly. I stood next to him almost like a statue as I looked at him knowing what would be coming next. 

"Yano some day that bitch will get what's coming to her, you shouldn't even hang out with her. She's poison!" He spat stepping closer to me. 

"Blaine she's mine friend and always has been, I've known her longer than I've known y-" I suddenly stopped realizing what I was saying. 

"Oh so because you have known her longer, you choose her over me. What a BIG fucking mistake that is!" He shouted making me jump. 

In a split of a second before I could move Blaine had his hand twisted in my hair and had slammed my face down into the kitchen worktop. A stinging pain shot through my face causing tears to escape my eyes, "Blaine, stop please." 

"Think it's about time you learnt a fucking lesson," he grunted in my ear. 

What does he mean learn a lesson? I haven't done anything wrong. He held my face tightly pushing it harder and harder into the worktop. 

"Ow, Blaine you’re hurting me," I cried. 

The sound of him picking something up next to my head made my ears perk up. What is he doing? I closed my eyes tightly scared of what was coming next. I felt tugging at my hand as he pulled it up towards him. A sudden ear piercing scream escaped my lips as a burning feeling ran through my whole hand.  

"Blaine, stop!" I screamed as I tried to pull away from his grasp. 

"Where's your fucking mate now ay?" He laughed down my ear.  

As he let go my tearful eyes glanced to where he was holding the boiling hot kettle. I pulled my hand up to see it glow bright red. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I ran to the sink pushing it under the cold water. 

"I want to go home now Blaine!" I sobbed, tears dripping into the running water. 

"Whatever, I don't really give a shit Lis," he replied as he walked into the living area. 

Quickly grabbing my bag I made a dash to the front door slamming it on the way out. I pulled my hand tighter to my chest as the cool breeze made it sting more.

After a long painful walk home, I felt relieved that the house was empty. I ran straight upstairs to the bathroom and pulled out the medical box from in the cupboard. Carefully I wrapped a bandage around my already blistered hand, squinting with the pain. I looked in the mirror facing me, hardly recognizing the reflection that was looking back at me. Why me? Why? I suddenly stumbled against the door, my body convulsed as it slid down it. I silently cried into my knees as I cradled my bandaged hand. 

I heard the door go and muffled voices coming from in the kitchen. I lifted my head up of my pillow to hear well. I flopped back down as I noticed it was just Scott and Chad. 

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