Chapter Four

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My eyes squinted as I turned to turn my alarm off. My body was aching due to the lack of sleep I had got. I decided to get a shower to wake myself up, putting my stereo on loudly listening to skinny love. After I was dressed I ran downstairs to where Scott and Chad were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. 

"Morning worm, there's toast over there," Scott chirped. 

"Thanks," I could feel Chad watching me. 

"Listen worm Chad’s going to give you a ride to school cause I'm dropping mum off at work," Scott explained while scoffing cereal. 

"Yeah I suppose that will do," I joked.

The journey to school was pretty quiet, I kept catching Chad stealing glances of me. 

"You need a ride home?" He asked as we pulled up. 

"Erm, no thanks. Blaine's picking me up," I replied as I stepped out of the car, leaving him to mumble something under his breath. 

"Lis, you ok? I had a missed call off you," Aubrey asked worried as she walked over to us. Chad made a quiet comment as he rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah I just needed a lift." 

"Oh I'm sorry I was really busy," she giggled as Jesse walked over. She linked my arm and pulled me towards the entrance of the school. 

"O.M.G Lis last night was amazing, Jesse called round cause we've been given a project together, and well yano one thing led to another and oh my, it was great," she blushed. 

I couldn't help but smile for her as I was happy that she was happy but yet I felt a hint of jealousy. Why can't I have that with Blaine? 

"So anyway, why did you need a lift?" She asked as she stopped at our lockers. I let out a big sigh, "Blaine and I had a fallen out," she started to roll her eyes. 

"What did the prat do to you this time?" She asked. 

I grabbed her hand leading her into the empty toilets, I slowly pulled my jacket down to show her my back. 

"Be careful when you pull the pad back," I told her. 

Aubrey gasped in horror as she looked. 

"Jeez Lis that's bad. Why did he do that? How?" She asked shocked. 

"He started going on saying I was sleeping with my teachers because I was doing my homework. He started to rip my books up," I stopped as a tear slid down my cheek. "He threw a glass at me." 

Aubrey’s hand clasped across her mouth, "Lis you have left him right? I mean you can't go back to him, not after this!" she shouted. 

"I can't leave him Aub he needs me," I tried to convince myself. 

"He needs help, not you!" She screamed shaking her head. 

"He's going to get help, he doesn't want to hurt me. It's all my fault," I cried. 

"Listen to yourself Lis, your making up excuses for him. He is doing this to you," she pulled me in front of the mirror pointing to my back. "Look, it's going to be too late when he kills you!" She cried. "You’re my best friend Lis, I can't stand back and watch him do this to you!"  

I stood there looking at my pathetic reflection. "I love him Aub" I whispered. 

"No you think you love him, but this Lis, this is not love. If he loved you he wouldn't hurt you!" She looked at me with her face full of anger. 

"I can't leave him!" I shouted. 

Aubrey stepped back shaking her head, "well I'm sorry Lis I've watched him hurt you long enough and I can't watch it anymore, you’re more of a fool than I thought you were." She turned on her heel and walked out of the toilets slamming the door behind her. I stood in disbelief. My best friend has given up on me. My legs turned to jelly as I fell to the floor, I sobbed into my hands. Why is this happening? Is Aubrey is right, I am a fool?

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