Chapter Twelve

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I woke before my alarm which was strange for me. I laid in bed re-reading the text messages Chad had sent last night. My heart fluttered as a wide smile spread across my face. Today was going to be a good day, I just knew it. I jumped out of bed and got a quick shower. I decided to wear my best blue jeans that had rips in the knees, they clung tightly to show off my nicely shaped bum. I wore a tightly fitted white top and grabbed my baggy red cardigan off my chair as I walked out the room.  

"What's up with you today worm?" Scott laughed as he looked up at me. 

"What you going on about?" I asked confused. 

"Well you're never ready this early," he teased, shoving a piece of toast into his mouth. 

"Oh shut it you," I hissed smacking him on the back as I sat next to him. 

"Thinking of maybe going round the quad tonight if you fancy it?" He asked. 

The quad was like an old court, people had built ramps and things. Nearly everyone from school would hang out there, it's usually good fun. 

"Yeah sounds good, who is going?"  

", Jesse, Bria and I think Aubrey is coming." 

I felt a tug at my stomach as he never said Chad. Maybe Chad has decided to move on, did I do something last night that put him off. He seemed to be ok when we were texting. Was it the kiss? I started to feel abit nervous, the thought of messing up the kiss made me blush. 

"Oh I forgot Chad's coming but he's got some thing with his mum first so he is going to meet us there afterwards," he smiled standing to his feet. "You ready to go worm?" 

"Yes," I sighed.

School was a drag, I hadn't seen Chad all day as we had no music together and he had football training at dinner. I couldn't stop thinking about him and the kiss. My fingers ran across my lips as I started to smile. 

"What's got you day dreaming?" Aubrey smirked. 

"W-what?" I jumped. 

Aubrey stood in front of me staring at my face, almost as if she was inspecting it. 

"You have got a secret, tell me!" She shouted. 

"What? Why do you think that?" I laughed turning away from her. 

"You have, tell me NOW!"  

"Shhhh, it's nothing," I whispered pulling her closer to me. 

"Well....." Aubrey linked my arm pulling me toward the car park. 

"Well.....I kind of kissed Chad last night," I laughed closing my eyes. 

"What? OMG....I knew it, I knew it was only a matter of time. I'm so happy!" She shouted jumping up and down clapping her hands. 

"Shhhh, it was weird. Like I was really enjoying it and I think he was enjoying it. Then suddenly he pulled away and just ran to his car and went," I said confused. 

"That's boys for you, their all weird," she snorted. 

We walked over to the cars, Scott and Jesse were talking as we reached them. 

"Hey baby," Jesse chirped as he pulled Aubrey close to him and kissed her. 

Scott looked at me and rolled his eyes, "you ready to go?" He asked. 

"Yes let's go, Aub I will see you later at the quad," I shouted trying to get her attention although she was clearly too busy with Jesse.

Once we pulled up at home I ran straight up to my room, putting my stereo on full blast and started to route through my wardrobe. I loved Fridays especially when all the gang would be together it was so much fun. Beyoncé single ladies came on so I danced freely around my bedroom in my underwear. I can't remember the last time I felt this happy. I was finally free of Blaine and all the shit that came with him. My phone started to buzz with a message.

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