Chapter Twenty Seven

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Elise's POV     (A long year on)

"The jury finds you guilty, take him down please!" The judge shouted, his voice echoed throughout the courtroom.  

I suddenly let out a sigh of relief finally feeling like I could breathe since that night.  

As Blaine stood to his feet, he turned to look at me sitting on the bench behind him. His cold eyes sent shivers down my shine as he whispered, "you.are.mine." 

He was pulled by one of the officers as he was escorted down to a cell where he would wait to be transferred to a prison.

"It's over," Aubrey laughed pulling me into a hug. 

"I can't believe it Aub!" I stood shocked at the thought of this nightmare I had been living for like forever was finally over. 

"Well believe it hunny cause it's real!" She held on to me a little longer before releasing me so my mum could then have her turn. 

She sobbed into my shoulder as she cried about this finally being over and how I can now try and move on with my life.

But that night didn't just change Blaine's future, it changed mine too.

I shuddered at the thought of what happened that night and tried to put it to the back of my mind. 

"Right I think we need drinks to celebrate that animal being put behind bars where he deserves!" Bria smiled clapping her hands. 

I nodded in agreement and picked up my bag, following her out of the door. As we reached the bottom of the steps Bria's phone began to ring. 

"Hey baby where are you?" She chirped slowing down her pace. "Uh-ah." 

She stood in silence as she listened to the caller intensely.  

"Ok. Yes ok, I will tell them now. Don't worry about it baby. We are going for a few drinks I will see you later," she replied. "Ok baby I love you too. Bye." She ended the call and began to smile. 

"And who was that?" Aubrey demanded to know. 

"Well of course it was Scott. He said he had to head straight home, something to do with work. He will see us later," she told us, then turned and continued to walk through the door linking my mums arm. 

"Oohhhh she's got it bad for your brother," Aubrey giggled as she looped her arm through mine. 

I smiled at the thought of their happiness. 

"Right come on. I need a drink," she gasped pulling me forward.

Having drinks was good fun, taking my mind off everything for awhile. Bria was very drunk and was telling my mum how she is going to marry Scott and will give her the cutest grandchildren. 

"Hey, you ok?" Aubrey asked as she plonked herself down on a chair next to me. Her face was reddened from dancing with some hot guy that had bought her a couple of drinks. 

"Yeah I'm good. You know what it's like when you have had a drink, everything is just running through my head," I slurred, abit tipsy from all the shots and cocktails she had fed me. 

"Well it's been a tough time and these last couple of days in court brought it all back up hun. I'm here yano. I'm not going anywhere," she smiled leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. 

"Thanks Aub," I said pulling her into a hug. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" 

"No not really but I know," she laughed. "Now if you'll excuse me I think Mr. Hottie needs some mouth to mouth." She jumped off her chair stumbling a little before straightening up and striding towards him.

I lasted another 5 minutes and decided it was time for me to head home.  

"Listen guys, it's been a tiring day. I think I'm going to head home and get some sleep," I said interrupting Bria's and my mum’s drunken conversation. 

"Ok hunny, just wait while I get my things and I will come with you," My mum said pulling herself up. 

"No mum really. You stay I could do with time on my own please. You stay out and enjoy yourself," I reassured her, helping her back onto the chair. 

"Ok darling only if you're sure," she smiled. 

"I'm sure. Now you look after my mum and get her home safely," I demanded sternly to Bria as she nodded to me. "Right enjoy yourselves guys. Oh and be good!" 

"Bye!" They shouted after me in sync before laughing.

The cold crisp wind swept against my flushed face. My head began to spin as the alcohol hit me hard. I held onto the lamp post outside the bar to get my balance before heading down the street. I kept telling myself that the walk would do me some good. 

The streets were empty except for a few drunken stragglers making their way home too or to the next bar. 

I pulled my jacket tighter around my shaking body as the wind turned bitter. It howled loudly as it brushed against my ears. 

"NO!" I heard scream in my head. I quickly looked around to see if anyone was around but the only thing insight was my dark shadow. I continued to walk feeling confused. 

I jumped to the deafening sound of a gun shot as it swirled around in my head. I nervously jumped against the shop shutters causing them to clang. I screamed out in fright as the clanging echoed throughout the empty street. 

I pulled my hands to my head as I slid down the shutters until I reached the floor. As I closed my eyes I could see him lying there, motionless. Blood pouring out of him and me just looking on paralyzed.

I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks as I pushed my hands against my head harder, trying to block those dark memories out. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed out loud. 

I quickly pushed myself up and began to run as my mind began to drift back to that night.....

"Scott he's not breathing. Help me!" I cried. "Please wake him up." 

My head was resting against his chest watching as his last breath left his lungs. A loud wail escaped my mouth as my heart began to break. "He's dying Scott!"

I crashed into someone's garden fence, leaning over as I gasped for breath. Why is this still playing in my head it's nearly been a year. I wiped away a single tear that slid down my hot cheek.

"What's happening? Will someone please tell me?!" I screamed staying in the hospital waiting room. My legs collapsed beneath me causing my body to crumble to the floor. "I need to see him!" 

I sobbed loudly as my heart ached inside my chest.  

Chad's mum pulled me into her arms as she sat in front of me. "He's a fighter lovely, he's strong. I just know he will be fine," she cried as she rocked me back and fourth.

As I turned around the corner into my street, it felt as if I weren't moving as my mind went back to that night.

"Baby, can you hear me?" I whispered, placing his hand into mine. "Chad can you hear me?" 

He laid motionless with tubes everywhere connected to a machine. I was told it was monitoring his breathing or something. 

"Baby, I love you. Now I need you to listen to my voice and try and open your eyes. Please," I sobbed, resting my head against his. "Please." 

Aloud lingering bleep came from the machine next to the bed. Nurses and doctors filled the room talking to each other.  

"You need to leave miss," one of the nurses told me, placing her hand on my back guiding me to the door. 

The last words from a nurse that was leaning over his body raced round in my head......

"We're losing him!"

As I pushed the door open I ran up to my room. I quickly burst through my bedroom door, my legs caved in causing my body slump to the floor. I loud sob escaped my mouth, clutching my hand on to my chest as I felt the pain that I felt that night.

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